22 Cancer 01-10-09 at 7:27 pm
This is the first of five Super Full Moons (see below for explanation)
This particular Full Moon is at a closer perigee* than most of the other full moons making the gravitational and astrological effects more pronounced. [The other 4 super Full Moons are: 6/22. 7/22. 8/20 and 12/31.]
* per·i·gee noun – the point in the orbit of a satellite, moon, or planet at which it comes nearest to the object it is orbiting
New Moon to the next New Moon is a cycle of manifestation of which the Full is the midpoint. The start of this particular cycle began with the last new moon (in Capricorn) on 12/27. That’s when we planted seeds or ideas to germinate or grow within us. On 1/10 the seeds grow into a plant and begin to bear results the plant moves above ground and begins maturing. The cycle will complete itself at the beginning of the new cycle on 1/25 at the Aquarius New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Each New, Full and following New Moon represent a starting/ending point for each cycle on a spiral where the Full Moon is the beginning of the manifestation process. See Prosperity Vibe for the Full – New Moon Rituals http://prosperityrituals.blogspot.com/
The Meaning of this Cycle (12/27 to 1/25)
I begin by looking at my responsibilities as I am connected to a concrete reality. This includes how I feel connected (or disconnected) to the planet on a personal level and how my daily activities are bound together in a way that makes practical sense. (If you are feeling disconnected a first step is grounding. Then check in with your practical limitations. Here I try to accept what I cannot change, apply gratefulness to my blessings and surrender to Spirit’s Path, which produces an immediate simple joy and bliss.) Once I acknowledge that I am a good householder, connected to the practical limits of my environment and grounded to Earth, I can act as a touchstone for others in my community if I wish. Capricorn represents the Father and the tradition of the Fathers or patriarchy. The institutions of our patriarchy clearly have been destabilizing for many years and are being destroyed in order to create something new. At the start of this cycle we were being asked to acknowledge and accept the limitations of Earth as a way to begin to nurture ourselves.
Now is the time to look to the integration of being responsive – able to see earth’s limits and practical reality to drawing nurturing from the well. If I seek to draw nurturing and security from external events such as money I could feel fearful and chaotic. When I seek to derive my security from external events there is never “enough” because this is a scarcity model for living. When I release and surrender to the light of Spirit I feel nurtured.
This full moon has a set of angles called a “mystic rectangle”. Dane Rudhyar – father of modern western astrology called these aspects a “practical mysticism”. The Sun (in Capricorn) opposite the Moon (Cancer) [Full Moon] connects to the opposition of Uranus (in Pisces) opposite Saturn (in Virgo) in a way that promotes profound transformation. It holds the door open to the past and the future while giving us opportunities to correct mistakes while we begin to open to a new paradigm shift. Our biggest mistake has been an exclusion of Earth in figuring GNP. One only need look at the economy today and see how we are up against a very real limit that cannot be ignored. (The Saturn – Uranus opposition in this door-opening configuration was exact on the day Obama was elected giving us great hope for an abundant future.)
Destiny is also configured into this full moon if we rise to the challenge without succumbing to fear and falling into the shadow of a blind faith of the Father. The forces of disciplined work, constraint, the karma of limits from the patriarchy (Saturn) and Mother Earth, the sense of home, nurturing and security (Moon) are trained on healing our dreams and visions of the Future (Neptune and Chiron). As individuals and as a people we are redefining a different kind of future where Earth matters in a different way. What that different way isn’t totally clear for everyone, but it’s clear that it is about relationship and equality. When I have a good and equal relationship with my personality parts, my emotions, my body, my spirit, other humans, plants, animals, insects, trees, and Planet Earth. These equal relationships manifest in ways that respect the sacredness of the relationship in practical terms. If this were to be true for every sentient being then the world would be transformed into a paradise just as many prophecies have forecast.
I hope that we all know that we cannot return to the unlimited consumerism of the past without taking into account the toll it has taken on the environment in its many forms and aspects. Since we utilize Earth as a resource for the goods we need to look to at least these two levels. The first is the space our trash occupies and the second is the pollution that contributes and has accelerated global warming. Healing the present includes humans, animals, the plant world, the landmasses, the seas and the atmosphere and that helps ensure that there will be a future for us.
I have to ask myself – how do I exclude from my consciousness all that I take for granted and use without considering where that originates. I work to become aware and change what I can.
Finally Jupiter leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on 1/5 where it remains until 1/2010. Jupiter in Aquarius is an expansion into a worldwide web or community consciousness based in fairness within the human family. The last two times that Jupiter passed through Aquarius there were significant breakthroughs in the world at large.
• 2/6/85 to 2/20/86 Mikelha Gorbachev began to reform the Soviet Union
and a new kind of microchip was made.
• 1/21/97 to 2/4/98 a sheep was cloned
and Ted Turner donated 1 billion dollars to the UN
These aspects increase humanitarian generosity with one another locally and are coupled with expanded healing for new hopes towards a better future.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
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