Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Moon / Solar Eclipse

New Moon - Aquarius, 01-25-09 at 11:55 pm

The New to Full Moons are cycles of growth from seed to birth to sel-realized lives / projects. See Prosperity Vibe for the Full – New Moon Rituals

The Schedule of Moon Cycle

1. 1/25 Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse
Planting new seeds/ideas for germination (projects begin)

2. 2/9 Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
a. 1st signs of growth /nurturing growth
b. Has your idea grown into a project whose beginnings are public?

3. 2/24 Pisces New Moon

a. Idea becomes manifest – project has life of its own and
b. It begins to grow – others see is as real

A couple of years ago everyone was flying high, making money and skipping the light fandango. Some were predicting that the Real Estate Bubble would collapse and fuel a recession/depression. The majority of us did not pay attention. "Oh Yeah, that…"

Now we have been stopped by the limits of excess that were the norm. While we may all acknowledge this radical and seemingly abrupt change it doesn't make dealing with unemployment, high debt and increased limitations (higher prices) any less easier to cope.

All we can do is keep going. The new moon is about the hope of the new world of change not quite yet manifest. This particular new moon represents step-by-step actions that can build a new world by carefully operating within limits and taking care of the details.

Being careful and working hard, paying attention and living in readiness to take up the banner of innovation and "we are all in it together" camaraderie are key.

As we begin this Moon Month it's very important to focus on what you need in the everyday life within the width and breath of your network. If you've been isolating its important to touch base with your friends, family and others in your support / business networks. The Inauguration is an example of the hope that's needed for the nation to go back to work and then the work begins.

Add a bit of luck as we give a little bit out to our networks – be compassionate and then watch it return (clues on 2/9) then cultivating a compassionate receptive space its possible to exercise the work into some good luck on 2/24. Look for women to take a new role in leadership positions world-wide.

New Moon / Solar Eclipse – 7 Aquarius, 01-25-09 at 11:55 pm:

Solar Eclipses are new moons that put a shadow on the earth. When we approach these occurrences with a playful consciousness we can release karmic shadow issues. Almost everyone has a negative idea of the word shadow. Certainly dark shadows are about the release of negative material. The Golden Shadow can also be released allow us to move off the addictive behaviors of looking to one man (President Obama) as the perfect savior. Our hopes (emotions) want him to be the perfect Savior-Man even though our minds know this is impossible. Releasing the golden and dark shadows moves away from the extremes of an addictive high of Obama as savior and feeling victimized by the pitfalls of the dark negative.

Approaching the Solar Eclipse with the idea we are releasing shadow puts us in a place of power – the power of presence and allows us to move on the path of mastery. Even though we will not witness the eclipse in this hemisphere the themes for release are:

1. Releasing doubt, fear/suspiciousness/paranoia. Releasing martyrdom-victim behaviors. Applying forgiveness /compassion to actions. Possibly opening a door to empathic/telepathic abilities by being a clear channel and being alert so as to take action.

2. Softening rigid authoritarian-like grip on discipline, over cautiousness. Releasing feelings of doom and endless hard word. Releasing magical thinking that innovation and romantic notions alone can save us. Embracing a middle ground between detailed administrative service behind the scenes and receptive innovation in a creative brain storming creativity to extract solutions (Let us also use the heart and body knowing to brainstorm).

3. Releasing despair and feelings of isolation from former behaviors of excess that brought us to cycles of irresponsible extravagance (spending beyond our means). Releasing spacey/ dissociative dreaminess that is unattached to our bodies (daydreaming while driving is especially dangerous). Grounding and connecting to your neighbor, to others, to your local community as a place to hold new visions and inject hope

Finding Balance:

When we honor the process of organic birth as it's associated to how we love then expansion into prosperity and abundance can proceed. If we go off into magical thinking without honoring the steps that bring projects and work to life then illusions and delusions can cloud our visions. If this line of action continues it could result in an on-going impulsivity that left unchecked could be violent and destructive.

Crosschecking between systems within us becomes of paramount importance. In astrology planets with a water element are about emotion and it flows, the air element represents thinking and it can be electrical, earth elemental planets are about manifestation and the physical body, and fire brings planets passion, inspiration and alchemical transformation. The crosschecks we need to focus upon and balance are thinking-air, somatic knowing-earth and emotions-water. As Westerners we are accustomed to over-utilizing our pre-frontal cortex and an over reliance on analysis and thought. Opening our hearts and the somatic (gut feelings) intuition are important to keep the rational in balance. When we achieve this three-fold balance and feel secure within ourselves and feel the inner core of our being then we can begin to "see" our ego objectively.

As we observed ego functions without judgment we can begin to see our chief feature or our life's major stumbling block. This time is a pivotal point as we change from conceptualizing ourselves as isolated individuals to a constellation of personas within as congregated in a loose community. In other words-

How do I relate to myself?
How do I relate to you?
What am I willing to surrender that stands in the way of my own light?
What am I willing to surrender that blocks our relating?

When we can release this block without clearly knowing what it is, then we step through the looking glass into a new interdependent reality.

This is the Neptune Pluto septile – see below or click here:

Aquarian Age:

This is an Aquarian Solar Eclipse whose last eclipse at 7 degrees was Jan 26, 1990 when the last vibrational gasp of the patriarchy was finishing and the vibrational new age began. At that time the foundation was being laid for the departure of the old and a foundation of responsiveness for the new age.

This Solar Eclipse has some of the last eclipse and more of the community in evidence. Community, equality and relationship are the marks of the Aquarian Age. Equality becomes apparent when gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality and religious/spiritual orientation disappear and we treat the differences within ourselves and with others with delight and the curiosity akin to innocence of children.

The Sabian Symbol for 7 degrees of Aquarius is: A child being born of an eggshell. A person in self-realization moves through enlightened states from within an auric egg to co-create oneself in his/her own image.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Obama and The Inauguration

I decided before starting this process of looking at the jumping off point for this historic event that Barack Obama’s birth chart is only the beginning. I looked at the Chart for the USA (7/4/1776), 1/20/2009 at 12 pm EST for Washington, DC and Obama’s progressed chart delineating what he is working on now.

The Man:
Barack Obama is a Leo as is Bill Clinton. Both men are men of great heart as Leos as well as proud and willful.

Obama has Aquarius Rising leading me to sense that he is an innovator on a mission to save the world and able to observe and creative wildness serves him well. As a child of the 1960s he works single-mindedly towards his global / galactic dreams and visions. He must have a firm spiritual inner authority / practice to hold his own and this is clearly evident in the way he holds himself. The biggest danger is getting lost in the spin of his visions dreams and losing sight of where his is coming from and/or specific goals. However the Cabinet he has surrounded himself with represents a broad spectrum of grounding / counterpoint energies and can ideally present a good balance against spinning out so far.

Themes for Obama 09-10
We can expect him to be very creative in regard to how money is restructured in elegant ways. His progressed chart may reflect how we are feeling about the economy- wild forces at play. Obama will bring innovation and wonderful new dynamic ways of responding to the ebb and flow of a complex economy.

The focus of his life now is hard work and discipline in order to built a solid expansion. Astrologically he is in a very strong leadership position of listening, responding and showing the way.

The only possibility of a downside may be an estrangement from his wife and family (certainly a strain), peaking next year in Aug ’10. In September 10 and forward look to his administration to champion Women’s Rights in a new way.

The Relationship Between The USA and Obama
Obama has a strong sense of the American Dream and the work that is needed to make this dream into a reality for all peoples. The American Dream of peace and justice for all can be spread beyond the boarders of the US by the inspiration of his leadership.

Barack has a strong spirit an inner guidance where is sense of love and abundance is closely allied to the democracy that our founding fathers created over 230 years ago. He has the ability to tap into that spirit of entrepreneurial abundance and craft a new kind of security based on economy and love in practical terms.

If Obama can surrender the part of his ego that is most attached to the changes he is driven to make then the way of the change will be difficult but doable. If he tries too much at once the media / Republicans will shred him and defeat/block him at every turn in an impulsive devise manner.

The Kick-Off – Inauguration
The big question is do we want to look at the President as events relate to him or how he relates to events. Although it may sound like splitting hairs it isn’t. How couples relate to one another has two points of view. Couples, friends, employees – bosses have relational points of view.

Let’s look how Obama may respond within the parameters of the beginning of his presidency. Or – how will he serve the times:
The Inauguration Chart is Aquarian in nature leaning towards innovation in communication, community and exciting novel ways of solving old problems. Obama relates to these ways of community into two ways:
1. He expands into the ideas of community
2. He can work with great focus and discipline across ideologies both within America and globally.

His emotional intensity is exactly in-tune with Americans and our need for fundamental transformative change on a karmic level. His work ethic is geared towards a very focused new architecture for a working government.

The only danger is that the enormity of the problem should he decide to take on too much at once will overwhelm and defeat him.

The events of the world could help complete him in this lifetime or they could pull the rug out from under him sending him on a continuous scramble from one unstable island to the next. His Presidency could become one of fluff where he’s too lost in ideas, deluded and on cloud nine eventually wounded by events and blocked at every turn. I don’t believe that this will happen because he has a practical centrist vision whose plan is to unite moderates on either side of the aisle and he’s a dogged pragmatist.

What We Can Do:
We can participate with him through or through other venues. We can send him love and light. We can network in small and larger groups and work with visions of new communities. We can work with our representatives to bring about the changes we need to transform the world into the partnership – community culture that will be needed for seven generations.

See the World with One Heart in Peace
Everyone working together as One

Peace and justice for all.

Suffering floating and softening
As compassionate love unites all
In one heart and one mind.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Transforming Our Dreams

Managing the volatile/sublime aspect:
Pluto septile Neptune

Toltec Shamanism states that 1992 was the activation of The Sixth World because of a change of frequency of the Sun.* I know this personally because I received awakenings in 1990, 91 and 92. However there are no lines in space so that a clear delineation between one epoch / world and the next is not so clear. The power of the septile especially with regard to Pluto – a planet of death and rebirth and Neptune – a planet of delusions or high ideals, dreams and visions reflect bigger changes as marked by the Toltec’s in the switches between one world and the next.

Beginning 12/24/2001 marked the first septile of Pluto and Neptune since September of 1940. On the high end this aspect comes alive when the destiny and fate blend and a sense of spiritual purpose unfolds behind the scenes to reshape the collective dream. The low end represents dark forces that undermine freedom and tends to put people to sleep and into slavery in the name of patriotism and freedom.

When many astrologers look at the chart for the 9/11/2001 tragedy they could not find any correlatives that jumped out at them. Since most astrologers consider the septile a minor angle they didn’t think to consider it. One astrologer reports a darker side of this angle as impulsive, irrational rages bursting forth.

The following dates are the incidence of this aspect until it’s conclusion in 2011. Pluto destroys in order to create something new and Neptune represents our best visions of the future – the ideals of the perfect life.

To get a better picture of the future pattern and/or trend it’s important to look to the pattern of this in the past. The forces that shaped WWII from 1937 to 1941 – brought Hitler to power and threatened world domination through secret alliances was the last time these giant outer planets septiled. Before 1937, 1445 or 492 years passed Pluto and Neptune did a dance (1).

John Addey, Charles Harvey, Mike Harding and David Hamblin were early researches into this 7th harmonic aspect describing the relationship in high end terms: Visionary experiences born by inspiration emanating from a vision of a kind of unity associated with a nirvana or the mystical experience (2).

The first time this aspect occurred 37-41 there were leaps of technological and scientific advancements including antibiotics, the introduction of the atom bomb and nuclear fission for the generation of electric power and plastics (3).

The Internet and the drive of the computer industry toward AI (artificial intelligence), electromagnetic fields, quantum physics, genetics, alternate fuels and composite materials are characteristic of our time where enormous breakthroughs are coming.

Since November of 2000 when Al Gore conceded the Presidential race under questionable circumstances the divisions between Americans that had started with Reagan’s de-regulation deepened. The division between Americans and indeed – factions of the world represent clear ideological differences that are alarming especially in this time of great change, institutional breakdown, panic and economic depression. The dissolution of the dollar in favor of the amero as the new currency brings rumors of a Civil War amongst the US citizenry. Mexico, US and Canada would, like Europe, share a common currency. Many believe (a fear) that the replacing the dollar with the amero would end our Bill of Rights even though this makes no sense given that the European Union has not destroyed the sovereignty of Nations. However it could be the first or second steps towards a world government where corporations via The World Bank could create a totalitarian state.

Neptune is also in its higher forms about Spirit and Spirituality. This aspect destroys religious institutional forms of spirituality in favor of an individual ascendancy. The prophecies speak about great changes and a purification and renewal/rebirth of the Planet. This process has begun.

The destruction of the old ways and the birth of the new ones are rubbing up against each other creating a renaissance, which is transforming our world into something, rich and strange.

Barak Obama is a practical man of vision who has seen these polarizing differences and through his intelligence seeks a middle path out of the chaos one that seeks to unite the polarized ideologies in an attempt to avert civil war and provide a new unity somewhere in the middle. It won’t be perfect but it could be miraculous.

Neptune is in Aquarius through the following period.
Pluto is in Sagittarius until 12/04/2007 and then in Capricorn beginning in 02/22/2008

01-12-2002 & 12-10-2002 --- 02-09-2004 & 12-01-2004

02-14-2005 & 11-30-2005 --- 02-19-2006 & 12-01-2006

02-21-2007 & 12-04-2007

02-22-2008 – shift in focus
& 12-08-2008

02-19-2009 & 12-16-2009 --- 01-15-2010 & 12-28-2010

* The Six Worlds of Planet Earth
1. The First World – a long period of time 300 million years where before continental drift – one Continent – Pangaea where 7 alien species seeded Earth with humanoids.
2. The Second World introduced 3 advanced human groups and lasted 150 million years
3. The Third World of 49 + million years was the height of Atlantis cut short by a Nuclear Holocaust and ecological disaster.
4. The Fourth World of 4 to 5 thousand years spent most of that time recovering from the fallout and genetic mutations. The last 500 to 1,000 years the Matriarch flourished.
5. The Fifth World we know and has been in the time of written history ending in 1992 AE
6. The Sixth World is struggling to begin.

2 or 3 of the 6 worlds ended with apocalyptic events.
(5), approximate time-spans channeled by Ontario

2. Ibid
3. Ibid
5. Beyond Fear: A Toltec Guide to Freedom and Joy - The Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz by Mary Carroll Nelson & Don Miguel Ruiz, Amber Allen, San Rafael, CA 1999

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tracking Mercury Retrograde

01-11-09 at 8:37 am – 8 degrees Aquarius.
01-31-09 at 11:11 pm – 22 degrees Capricorn.

Part of the intensity of this Retrograding Mercury regards a focus on the future – where the mind is drawn. The focus of this chart isn’t a whole lot different from the chart of the Full Moon about 13 hours ago. (see Full Moon in Cancer - Below)

There are some notable differences one related to mood and karma. Moon in Cancer is at 29 degrees of that sign and is by degree karmic. Twenty-nine degrees of any sign is karmic because it represents all the good, bad, ugly and supremely beautiful stuff of that sign fixed at the end degree.

The best of Cancer is about Mother Earth nurturing our lives. I need not say the worst because Global Warming represents the worst for us. Other karma about Cancer that is under our control is a death-grip from extreme terror on the past for our security whether that is right or not.

I am about choice. When I am alerted to the fear I experience I work to let go and surrender to Spirit – therein lies my true security and miraculous answers to impossible questions.

Plan on working on your mastery in this retrograde period and prepare for a big boost as it ends on 1/31 at 11:11 pm

The following days are times when we may rise to the challenges of honing thinking, communication, business savvy and legal issues to name a few when Mercury retrograding is especially intense.
(How you respond depends on the impact of Mercury and other planets transiting your natal chart - below is an English version of how the planets and moon affect each other.)

Wed, 1-14 - You may have to speak-up today with your boss your parent to any authority figure (may include your significant other). This is a time of dealing with adversity with equanimity. Aquarians and Virgo take care.

Fri, 1.16 - Meet the challenge of disrupted communications with a flexible stance and you may find delight. Remember life is filled with disruptions and changes of plan. There may be a chance encounter or a silver lining. Plan on making space for a surprising miracle without getting into expectation about it.

Sat, 1.17 – Today is a good day to hone your speaking/persuasive skills to land that deal – as long as you’re in alignment with your highest good and you feel motivated.

Sun, 1-18 - Are we being served? Service is a fine line. When I expect a certain kind of service and don’t get it I am sometimes okay with that and sometimes I get bent out of shape. When I allow myself to see the bigger picture, I’m breathing and I feel compassionate – bad service can be just a bump on the road. Look for intensity of emotions at odds with thinking / listening / conversing so with that in mind try going slowly so your understanding is full and rich. Be careful that you don’t go out of your body to the La-La planet or blow things out of proportion. That caution aside it’s a good day for expansive thought and grand talk as long as you remain grounded and on-purpose.

Mon, 1.19 – This could be an explosive morning if you don’t find a way to vent your frustrations – a trip to the gym, a run or shouting in the car with the radio turned up. Given that you’ve calmed down in the am, you could have romantic play in the afternoon. Zow!

Tue, 1-20 – This is day when you could get spacey with your talk so practice grounding. It could be fun especially if you take a long lunch or go home early and let yourself put your foot-in-your-mouth outside the workplace. Look out for karmic slips around your partner or the opposite sex. Around bedtime your thinking gets grounded and practical.

Thu, 1-22 – You could have disruptive thoughts and/or exciting dreams- take note. If you’re awake around 12 am working on letting go – thinking problems out especially late at night doesn’t work if the result in the morning is exhaustion. In the morning on your commute or at work it may take a bit of minor adjustment to get your mind onto the practical.

Sun, 1-25 - If you find yourself feeling all your burdens today make an effort to get a good laugh and then get back to...

Mon, 1/26 – This is an excellent time for flirting with a potential lover or with your current partner. Any art or beatification project can get the “go” today from within you and from the world at large.

Thu, 1-29 - This is an excellent day for forgiveness and reconciliation of any kind especially in the afternoon.

Sat, 1-31 – Mercury is close enough to Uranus and Saturn today to make a difference and what a way to end Mercury in Retrograde!!! This is about crafting magic – making space for an “Ah-HA” event to occur while thinking, planning, communicating through writing or talking on whatever project that you have been working on. If you have been meeting the challenges since 1/11 then a sense of momentum can be created towards mastery at 11:11 pm today. (The numerology of 1/11/09 is 13 number of transformation and 1/31/09 is 7 the number of luck and rapid change. Look at the number “1” in the date 1/11 and the time 11:11 – 11 is a number of mastery.) (also there is a Septile of note here - for more see my posting on this Transforming your Dreams - coming soon)

Full Moon in Cancer 1-10-09

22 Cancer 01-10-09 at 7:27 pm
This is the first of five Super Full Moons (see below for explanation)

This particular Full Moon is at a closer perigee* than most of the other full moons making the gravitational and astrological effects more pronounced. [The other 4 super Full Moons are: 6/22. 7/22. 8/20 and 12/31.]
* per·i·gee noun – the point in the orbit of a satellite, moon, or planet at which it comes nearest to the object it is orbiting

New Moon to the next New Moon is a cycle of manifestation of which the Full is the midpoint. The start of this particular cycle began with the last new moon (in Capricorn) on 12/27. That’s when we planted seeds or ideas to germinate or grow within us. On 1/10 the seeds grow into a plant and begin to bear results the plant moves above ground and begins maturing. The cycle will complete itself at the beginning of the new cycle on 1/25 at the Aquarius New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Each New, Full and following New Moon represent a starting/ending point for each cycle on a spiral where the Full Moon is the beginning of the manifestation process. See Prosperity Vibe for the Full – New Moon Rituals

The Meaning of this Cycle (12/27 to 1/25)
I begin by looking at my responsibilities as I am connected to a concrete reality. This includes how I feel connected (or disconnected) to the planet on a personal level and how my daily activities are bound together in a way that makes practical sense. (If you are feeling disconnected a first step is grounding. Then check in with your practical limitations. Here I try to accept what I cannot change, apply gratefulness to my blessings and surrender to Spirit’s Path, which produces an immediate simple joy and bliss.) Once I acknowledge that I am a good householder, connected to the practical limits of my environment and grounded to Earth, I can act as a touchstone for others in my community if I wish. Capricorn represents the Father and the tradition of the Fathers or patriarchy. The institutions of our patriarchy clearly have been destabilizing for many years and are being destroyed in order to create something new. At the start of this cycle we were being asked to acknowledge and accept the limitations of Earth as a way to begin to nurture ourselves.

Now is the time to look to the integration of being responsive – able to see earth’s limits and practical reality to drawing nurturing from the well. If I seek to draw nurturing and security from external events such as money I could feel fearful and chaotic. When I seek to derive my security from external events there is never “enough” because this is a scarcity model for living. When I release and surrender to the light of Spirit I feel nurtured.

This full moon has a set of angles called a “mystic rectangle”. Dane Rudhyar – father of modern western astrology called these aspects a “practical mysticism”. The Sun (in Capricorn) opposite the Moon (Cancer) [Full Moon] connects to the opposition of Uranus (in Pisces) opposite Saturn (in Virgo) in a way that promotes profound transformation. It holds the door open to the past and the future while giving us opportunities to correct mistakes while we begin to open to a new paradigm shift. Our biggest mistake has been an exclusion of Earth in figuring GNP. One only need look at the economy today and see how we are up against a very real limit that cannot be ignored. (The Saturn – Uranus opposition in this door-opening configuration was exact on the day Obama was elected giving us great hope for an abundant future.)

Destiny is also configured into this full moon if we rise to the challenge without succumbing to fear and falling into the shadow of a blind faith of the Father. The forces of disciplined work, constraint, the karma of limits from the patriarchy (Saturn) and Mother Earth, the sense of home, nurturing and security (Moon) are trained on healing our dreams and visions of the Future (Neptune and Chiron). As individuals and as a people we are redefining a different kind of future where Earth matters in a different way. What that different way isn’t totally clear for everyone, but it’s clear that it is about relationship and equality. When I have a good and equal relationship with my personality parts, my emotions, my body, my spirit, other humans, plants, animals, insects, trees, and Planet Earth. These equal relationships manifest in ways that respect the sacredness of the relationship in practical terms. If this were to be true for every sentient being then the world would be transformed into a paradise just as many prophecies have forecast.

I hope that we all know that we cannot return to the unlimited consumerism of the past without taking into account the toll it has taken on the environment in its many forms and aspects. Since we utilize Earth as a resource for the goods we need to look to at least these two levels. The first is the space our trash occupies and the second is the pollution that contributes and has accelerated global warming. Healing the present includes humans, animals, the plant world, the landmasses, the seas and the atmosphere and that helps ensure that there will be a future for us.

I have to ask myself – how do I exclude from my consciousness all that I take for granted and use without considering where that originates. I work to become aware and change what I can.

Finally Jupiter leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on 1/5 where it remains until 1/2010. Jupiter in Aquarius is an expansion into a worldwide web or community consciousness based in fairness within the human family. The last two times that Jupiter passed through Aquarius there were significant breakthroughs in the world at large.

• 2/6/85 to 2/20/86 Mikelha Gorbachev began to reform the Soviet Union
and a new kind of microchip was made.

• 1/21/97 to 2/4/98 a sheep was cloned
and Ted Turner donated 1 billion dollars to the UN

These aspects increase humanitarian generosity with one another locally and are coupled with expanded healing for new hopes towards a better future.