Wednesday, December 17, 2008

VIBE 12-17 to 12-31

Getting the edge on upcoming energies
Feel free to pass this on…
1. Energywave
2. Solstice 12/21 at 4:04am
3. New Moon in Capricorn at 7 degrees 12/27, 4:22am
4. Planetary Events
All times PST unless otherwise noted

This report includes translations of what other astrologers consider "Minor Angles" such as Inconjuncts, Quintiles, Septiles, Sesquiquadrates and Noviles as well as the "Major Angles"

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1. Energywave

Merry Christmas, everyone. It's been tough but we're still here

We have a lot to hope for. There is more light and love in the world helping us to make a transition to a better more community oriented world.

The Twelve continue to direct me to issue channelings:

What is required to get through these adverse times and have fun with the creativity and stay sane is staying awake. One way to begin this process is to get connected.

Let go of what you don't want. Breathe in and out, let go surrender - clear a space for something wonderful. As I write this I a reminded of my roots in this work of service towards you. I surrender and make space for what I wish to create and I am grateful for what I do have.

Everyday focus on what you want.

After seeing, feeling and being what you want let it go

Let it go to the universe.
Ask the universe for clues to your goal. (Once I make the space the clues are everywhere and don't necessarily come in a spoken language)

Cultivate a greater space for spontaneous intuition in your daily life.

This will allow magic to enter and miracles to happen.

2. Solstice 12/21 4:04 am
12/21, Solstice Moon at 25 degrees Libra

This is a time of equal days and equal nights where the light in the Northern Hemisphere is least (in the southern the light is the most).
Since the VIBE is international now I can no longer say that this is just the Winter Solstice because it leaves out those in South America and the height of summer. Between 12/16 and 12/22 there are 7 hours 33 minutes of daylight in 24.

Traditionally festivals and orgies were held during the darkest months to preserve the seed for a good planting in the spring. We can take this as a symbol for that which we want to preserve and see grow in the Spring Equinox or when the Sun enters into the month of the womb or in Taurus on 04/19/09. In the Matriarchy the Taurus symbol was not the Bull but the womb with the fallopian tubes on top. Read the rest of the interpretation of this Solstice and then ask/meditate with closed eyes on what seeds (ideas) you'd like to preserve and germinate for the new year of renaissance 2009.

The Moon is at 25 degrees Libra displaying our mood to find balance and to coordinate this mood with action. Taking action must be sought after in order to reap the full benefits of a true balance. Otherwise we could get caught in a destructive conflict with treading water amidst uncertain abundance and prosperity. It's better to balance actions with a true harmonious state and grow within limits. The Sabian Symbol for Libra 25 degrees is "Information in the symbol of an autumn leaf" "The keyword is TACT. When positive, the degree is spontaneous adaptability and an unswerving and instinctive fidelity to ultimate goals and meanings, and when negative, fascination with the trivial and delight in unbridled fancy."*

Our consciousness may be in a state of chaos because of the alchemical nature of Plutonic transformational magic. As our consciousness comes up against the limits of Earth we can come from the ashes say of the Bush administration to the hope of the Obama Presidency as a way to rise from the ashes – as a metaphor for the change. Each one of us is being challenges to see what is old and outworn that can be released for our greater good and the good of community – work, family, neighborhood, city-town, region, state, country hemisphere, planet and cosmic consciousness. Look towards you dislikes in yourself and others as a key to opening to the shadow parts that need release.

This is also a time of dreams and visions when we take the inner time to "see" what future we would like to craft for ourselves. There are two steps in this. Mediate asking to receive visions, feelings, imaginings of what is the highest good for you. Blend these receptions with the actions you would like to take to make them your dreams and visions. If you're receiving negative imagery work to clear this and ask for only what is positive.

Remember this is the planning stage of a greater plan for change within the New Year and beyond. This can set the stage for the next six months or so. During the next Solstice when there is the most light and your following an organic goal setting plan one should be one quarter or the way to fulfilling ones goals (at the autumnal equinox),

[If this is the Summer Solstice for you look at what plan that you started 6 months ago and the shadow issues that have appeared in the beginning of seeing results of efforts (seeds) planted at your Winter Solstice in June '08].

Closing your eyes brings the darkness that produces visions of Light within. Now is the time to look at what seeds you'd like to grow into plants and harvest on 9/22/09.

[See the blog on Prosperity for the Full Moon – New Moon Ritual of Manifestation – this may be a useful guide to setting out dreams and vision on a map of solstices and equinoxes.]

3. New Moon in Capricorn 12/27
12/27 Capricorn – at 7 degrees – 4:27 am

New moons are delineation lines between what has finished and has been completed and the seeds of the new. Astrology is about cycles and living mythology as connected with the seasons. It reminds us that while humans we are also animals connected to a natural world and through the symbology of language, ego and culture connected to larger cycles that reach beyond our circadian rhythms into the cycles of life and death on larger scales.

In order for the Aquarian Age to manifest and the partnership paradigm to each it's prospective expression the old way must be cleared. This is not an easy task given Human Nature and habit as expressed in culture and the past. This new moon and the breakdown in institutions and the environment that appear in the world could be seen as a sign that the end of everything is near, but this is far from what's happening. Capricorn is the last of the Earth signs and represents how we divide and manage Earth's resources through governmental and corporate structures. Capricorn has come to represent the patriarchy, which has become top-heavy with whimsical management of government / corporations and the Earth as a treasure-chest with the motivation based on greed and scarcity. This is its negative form.

The positive form of Capricorn's expression has to do with responsible management of Earth's resources based on a community consciousness for our mutual survival. It's no accident that the planets of action and death and rebirth are in the sign of Capricorn giving us the will, the necessity and the means to transform Earth from a death-trap of greed to a place of community and properity.

When I work on myself I know that when I am present and in my body mind and emotion I am connected to Spirit, which is everywhere. By being in my body – aware of it and my emotions and thoughts I can be anywhere in the universe at the same time. This is a paradox that makes no sense to someone who does not live in all three centers. A person who is present because we know that Spirit is not separate from matter can accept the paradox. We live in an illusion of separateness to travel over and over again from singularity to oneness being able to hold both at the same time without problem. Holding any paradox is a sign of maturity and is about the responsibility of Capricorn.

The power of unconditional love and revolutionary forces are unleashed in service to Earth our home. Love is uniting with the dreams of an Aquarian future. The revolutionary forces that brought Obama into the presidency are poised to take us towards an Aquarian future.

If you wish to develop a personal relationship with Earth as you best friend:

Sit and send of beam of light or grounding cord from your root chakra down through all the layers of Earth through magnetic core and molten core and let it connect with your spot in crystalline core of earth. There is an iron core crystal that rotates three degrees faster than the surface and floats in the molten core.

The Sabian symbol for 7 degrees:
"A veiled prophet of power."
"KEYWORD: Supremacy"
"When positive, the degree is unerring insight into the motives of men and a consequent gift for organizing their efforts along any given line of accomplishment, and when negative, inability to distinguish true values from false."


4. Planetary Events

12/17, WEDNESDAY – Healing is favored this morning so speaking the truth is important. If you're considering harsh criticism because of your in a bad mood try this: preface it with its opposite or something positive for balance in the way of healing. It will be easy to take up the fight for the underdog and speak eloquently about the cause whatever it is. After three, two events may happen – an intense desire to bond with your beloved or be nurtured and a mood or desire to write about or talk precisely about how you're feeling. In the evening we may feel more hopeful about our planet Earth and in the mood for comforting activities – feeling large on small scale. If at bedtime you feel worry put it in a pink or purple bubble – bless your worries and surrender to Spirit and sleep.

12/18, THURSDAY – no planetary aspects, only moon / mood aspects. The early morning mood may feel like a wounding or healing struggle – maybe you feel passionate? By mid morning we may be in the mood to break free of whatever restrictions plague us. This may feel good or disruptive depending on your mindset. If your relationship with authority is established then your mood may be disciplined for the work in clear and direct action. If you felt rebellious in the mid-morning and were disrupted from you course of action and you have problems with authority then by 3 pm or so you may feel dumped upon (mood) on by an outside authority. Try not to stay in the fantasy (mood of I'm right they're wrong) and let go in to spirit. Time to own and move passed your rebellious mood to a higher plain. You may have energy/ mood for fighting or working out in the early evening. A pleasant and forgiving mood rounds out the evening.

12/19, FRIDAY – Just before dawn our mood mellows and we may feel a transformative state of a magical time with the rising sun. We may crave healing and peace (mood) all day including feeling motivated on how we can nurture and soothe ourselves through thinking and communicating verbally and through writing. In the evening expect a dreamy feeling – mood and a feeling of justice.

12/20, SATURDAY – In the early morning you may be called into a war of words in you head or with someone (mood) – don't suppress – unless you sleep late. Between 7 and 10 am expect good relationships with the opposite sex. If you're single it may be time to meet that new special someone. It's that kind of mood. At 3 pm expect a growth (mood) experience with your partner – a disagreement worked out perhaps? The rest of the day may feel healing with some bumps though minor. A desire to serve the truth and erase karmic debt comes easy.

12/21, SUNDAY – Happy Winter Solstice (see above). If you're up early you're probably in a get things done kind of mood – go for it! If you take advantage of this energy you could sail through the day on a kind of high mood. By mid-morning we may feel intensely passionate in a fated sort of way towards a new infatuation or with our current partner. WOW! At 3:37 pm our mood changes into something a bit more magical and intense. This sets the tone for an alchemical transformative experience if we feel up to it – the mood may allow us to look into the future. Around 9 pm we could feel dreamy – if you take drugs now is not the time to do so unless prescribed. Prepare your feeling state to be initiated into a higher quest for Spiritual Authority and Destiny. That having been said it's a good time to meditate or do a vision quest.

12/22, MONDAY – The magic feeling of destiny may continue into today bringing healing. We may feel in a charmed mood today entering into new worlds through empathy as long as we stay awake to the opportunities.

12/23, TUESDAY – Just before dawn we may feel as if an old wound regarding an old love is being healed this may come in the form of a dream (or a vision on East Coast USA). This may manifest as the world financial markets are receiving healing decisions today. In terms of mood we may feel prepared for hard work, overcoming illusions and allowing magic into our lives. Set this mood up with visions of what you'd like to let go of to receive abundance in your life.

12/24, WEDNESDAY – If you wake up feeling like you need to spend more or you've waited to the last minute to buy gifts and are in a frantic mood to shop – beware. Have a budget. Or you may feel wounded in your thinking, if so what needs healing? We may have too many ideas and want to share them all at once – maybe you'd better record them on your MP3 unit or tape recorder. You may be talking a lot. This is an innovative time. If the mood of the day doesn't wind you up too tightly you could feel a re-commitment to work through all the problems you've been avoiding as long as you don't blurt everything out at once. In the evening expect wildness and or fighting with your partner, which later leads to a mood for good loving or great make-up sex. A pleasant mood rounds out the day just before Santa is to arrive. Ah…

12/25, THURSDAY – Merry Christmas Peace between men and women about an hour and a half before dawn presides – sleeping most likely lol (or 8:40 am on the east coast). Christmas night we're likely to be irritated with injustices in the home and /or the world – watch the temper. Mood-wise its pleasant all day until 11 pm when we could feel a twinge of constraint. Count you blessings inside and move on –

12/26, FRIDAY – Expect a dreamy-lazy mood morning. Did I spend too much may be your mantra – let this go too. Around 3 pm the mood becomes serious, grounded and filled with good humor unless you have a tendency for depression (get help). From 3:04 to 5:40 pm your mood will be take action and be of kind service to your dreams and visions. You may also feel obsessively passionate towards work during the 3 to 5 pm period. At 6 pm or so prepare for a magical mood and release!!! If you stay up late passed 11 pm thoughts and actions of service will be easier to execute. At 11:31 pm Mars moves into Capricorn meaning that actions/work will take on a serious note, be grounded and practical (Mars goes into Aquarius on 02/4/09) Vesta the asteroid of service goes into Taurus accentuating the value of service, giving birth to new service groups and money being provided for new energies. Vesta goes into Gemini in early April 09.

12/27, SATURDAY – New Moon in Capricorn (see above)

12/28, SUNDAY – Earthquake Alert Day – off the California coast – Tsunami Alert! The mood could be disruptive early morning wild dreams. A mood of unity could come over us at 9:30 am. Expect a dreamy morning once you wake up. People could have dreams that could be visions of earth changes. Right around noon one could expect powerful emotions boiling to the surface with acting-out behaviors. This is a time for clearing old habitual emotions and letting go bad habits for good ones. On the international scene look for boarder disputes and fighting including government overthrows. Afternoon the mood is one of working and talking things out. After 9:30 pm try to put right and wrong aside lest you be fighting with your partner.

12/29, MONDAY – When we awaken our mood will feel lighter- able to let go more easily. No aspects except Saturn stations to go retrograde (1-03 moves retrograde out of station). This means that all the constraints of governmental budgets could come to a head now. On a personal level it means that the more precise your drive and focus are in work the more likely you are to move ahead. Mood is hard work, dealing with struggle. Could be a tough day unless you're able to let go of attachments or unless you get tough to match the toughness or both.

12/30, TUESDAY – Beware of moods of overwhelm and irritation throughout the morning hours. Working with detachment is warranted. Around 9am-ish new ways of communication – telepathically or new internet breakthroughs are either announced or in the works. Look for innovative ways of communicating. Around 3 pm expect our moods to connect with the energies of Earth in a Spiritual manner. We may be irritated in trying to communicate nurturing to others or irritated by talking with Mom. At 5 pm we may be able to correct our service by thinking what to do next – a sobering mood and this could be a mood for healing.

12/31, WEDNESDAY – The daybreak mood may bring a desire to stay in bed. At 9:04 am Saturn retrogrades meaning intensity with work, with authority especially with your Virgo friends and the Virgo in you**. Mid morning brings some acting-out around wounds – an opportunity to grow and heal. The mood range for the rest of the day brings love, opportunities for service, easy transformations around healing and actions for a new healing within.

**Even if you have no planets in Virgo in your chart there is a house in your chart where Virgo rules – thus the Virgo in you. Your Virgo Guy!


Look for a general prediction about the year

*Sabian Symbols are from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmonds Jones, 1993 Aurora Press, Santa Fe, NM

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