Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tracking Mercury Retrograde

01-11-09 at 8:37 am – 8 degrees Aquarius.
01-31-09 at 11:11 pm – 22 degrees Capricorn.

Part of the intensity of this Retrograding Mercury regards a focus on the future – where the mind is drawn. The focus of this chart isn’t a whole lot different from the chart of the Full Moon about 13 hours ago. (see Full Moon in Cancer - Below)

There are some notable differences one related to mood and karma. Moon in Cancer is at 29 degrees of that sign and is by degree karmic. Twenty-nine degrees of any sign is karmic because it represents all the good, bad, ugly and supremely beautiful stuff of that sign fixed at the end degree.

The best of Cancer is about Mother Earth nurturing our lives. I need not say the worst because Global Warming represents the worst for us. Other karma about Cancer that is under our control is a death-grip from extreme terror on the past for our security whether that is right or not.

I am about choice. When I am alerted to the fear I experience I work to let go and surrender to Spirit – therein lies my true security and miraculous answers to impossible questions.

Plan on working on your mastery in this retrograde period and prepare for a big boost as it ends on 1/31 at 11:11 pm

The following days are times when we may rise to the challenges of honing thinking, communication, business savvy and legal issues to name a few when Mercury retrograding is especially intense.
(How you respond depends on the impact of Mercury and other planets transiting your natal chart - below is an English version of how the planets and moon affect each other.)

Wed, 1-14 - You may have to speak-up today with your boss your parent to any authority figure (may include your significant other). This is a time of dealing with adversity with equanimity. Aquarians and Virgo take care.

Fri, 1.16 - Meet the challenge of disrupted communications with a flexible stance and you may find delight. Remember life is filled with disruptions and changes of plan. There may be a chance encounter or a silver lining. Plan on making space for a surprising miracle without getting into expectation about it.

Sat, 1.17 – Today is a good day to hone your speaking/persuasive skills to land that deal – as long as you’re in alignment with your highest good and you feel motivated.

Sun, 1-18 - Are we being served? Service is a fine line. When I expect a certain kind of service and don’t get it I am sometimes okay with that and sometimes I get bent out of shape. When I allow myself to see the bigger picture, I’m breathing and I feel compassionate – bad service can be just a bump on the road. Look for intensity of emotions at odds with thinking / listening / conversing so with that in mind try going slowly so your understanding is full and rich. Be careful that you don’t go out of your body to the La-La planet or blow things out of proportion. That caution aside it’s a good day for expansive thought and grand talk as long as you remain grounded and on-purpose.

Mon, 1.19 – This could be an explosive morning if you don’t find a way to vent your frustrations – a trip to the gym, a run or shouting in the car with the radio turned up. Given that you’ve calmed down in the am, you could have romantic play in the afternoon. Zow!

Tue, 1-20 – This is day when you could get spacey with your talk so practice grounding. It could be fun especially if you take a long lunch or go home early and let yourself put your foot-in-your-mouth outside the workplace. Look out for karmic slips around your partner or the opposite sex. Around bedtime your thinking gets grounded and practical.

Thu, 1-22 – You could have disruptive thoughts and/or exciting dreams- take note. If you’re awake around 12 am working on letting go – thinking problems out especially late at night doesn’t work if the result in the morning is exhaustion. In the morning on your commute or at work it may take a bit of minor adjustment to get your mind onto the practical.

Sun, 1-25 - If you find yourself feeling all your burdens today make an effort to get a good laugh and then get back to...

Mon, 1/26 – This is an excellent time for flirting with a potential lover or with your current partner. Any art or beatification project can get the “go” today from within you and from the world at large.

Thu, 1-29 - This is an excellent day for forgiveness and reconciliation of any kind especially in the afternoon.

Sat, 1-31 – Mercury is close enough to Uranus and Saturn today to make a difference and what a way to end Mercury in Retrograde!!! This is about crafting magic – making space for an “Ah-HA” event to occur while thinking, planning, communicating through writing or talking on whatever project that you have been working on. If you have been meeting the challenges since 1/11 then a sense of momentum can be created towards mastery at 11:11 pm today. (The numerology of 1/11/09 is 13 number of transformation and 1/31/09 is 7 the number of luck and rapid change. Look at the number “1” in the date 1/11 and the time 11:11 – 11 is a number of mastery.) (also there is a Septile of note here - for more see my posting on this Transforming your Dreams - coming soon)

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