Monday, January 19, 2009

Transforming Our Dreams

Managing the volatile/sublime aspect:
Pluto septile Neptune

Toltec Shamanism states that 1992 was the activation of The Sixth World because of a change of frequency of the Sun.* I know this personally because I received awakenings in 1990, 91 and 92. However there are no lines in space so that a clear delineation between one epoch / world and the next is not so clear. The power of the septile especially with regard to Pluto – a planet of death and rebirth and Neptune – a planet of delusions or high ideals, dreams and visions reflect bigger changes as marked by the Toltec’s in the switches between one world and the next.

Beginning 12/24/2001 marked the first septile of Pluto and Neptune since September of 1940. On the high end this aspect comes alive when the destiny and fate blend and a sense of spiritual purpose unfolds behind the scenes to reshape the collective dream. The low end represents dark forces that undermine freedom and tends to put people to sleep and into slavery in the name of patriotism and freedom.

When many astrologers look at the chart for the 9/11/2001 tragedy they could not find any correlatives that jumped out at them. Since most astrologers consider the septile a minor angle they didn’t think to consider it. One astrologer reports a darker side of this angle as impulsive, irrational rages bursting forth.

The following dates are the incidence of this aspect until it’s conclusion in 2011. Pluto destroys in order to create something new and Neptune represents our best visions of the future – the ideals of the perfect life.

To get a better picture of the future pattern and/or trend it’s important to look to the pattern of this in the past. The forces that shaped WWII from 1937 to 1941 – brought Hitler to power and threatened world domination through secret alliances was the last time these giant outer planets septiled. Before 1937, 1445 or 492 years passed Pluto and Neptune did a dance (1).

John Addey, Charles Harvey, Mike Harding and David Hamblin were early researches into this 7th harmonic aspect describing the relationship in high end terms: Visionary experiences born by inspiration emanating from a vision of a kind of unity associated with a nirvana or the mystical experience (2).

The first time this aspect occurred 37-41 there were leaps of technological and scientific advancements including antibiotics, the introduction of the atom bomb and nuclear fission for the generation of electric power and plastics (3).

The Internet and the drive of the computer industry toward AI (artificial intelligence), electromagnetic fields, quantum physics, genetics, alternate fuels and composite materials are characteristic of our time where enormous breakthroughs are coming.

Since November of 2000 when Al Gore conceded the Presidential race under questionable circumstances the divisions between Americans that had started with Reagan’s de-regulation deepened. The division between Americans and indeed – factions of the world represent clear ideological differences that are alarming especially in this time of great change, institutional breakdown, panic and economic depression. The dissolution of the dollar in favor of the amero as the new currency brings rumors of a Civil War amongst the US citizenry. Mexico, US and Canada would, like Europe, share a common currency. Many believe (a fear) that the replacing the dollar with the amero would end our Bill of Rights even though this makes no sense given that the European Union has not destroyed the sovereignty of Nations. However it could be the first or second steps towards a world government where corporations via The World Bank could create a totalitarian state.

Neptune is also in its higher forms about Spirit and Spirituality. This aspect destroys religious institutional forms of spirituality in favor of an individual ascendancy. The prophecies speak about great changes and a purification and renewal/rebirth of the Planet. This process has begun.

The destruction of the old ways and the birth of the new ones are rubbing up against each other creating a renaissance, which is transforming our world into something, rich and strange.

Barak Obama is a practical man of vision who has seen these polarizing differences and through his intelligence seeks a middle path out of the chaos one that seeks to unite the polarized ideologies in an attempt to avert civil war and provide a new unity somewhere in the middle. It won’t be perfect but it could be miraculous.

Neptune is in Aquarius through the following period.
Pluto is in Sagittarius until 12/04/2007 and then in Capricorn beginning in 02/22/2008

01-12-2002 & 12-10-2002 --- 02-09-2004 & 12-01-2004

02-14-2005 & 11-30-2005 --- 02-19-2006 & 12-01-2006

02-21-2007 & 12-04-2007

02-22-2008 – shift in focus
& 12-08-2008

02-19-2009 & 12-16-2009 --- 01-15-2010 & 12-28-2010

* The Six Worlds of Planet Earth
1. The First World – a long period of time 300 million years where before continental drift – one Continent – Pangaea where 7 alien species seeded Earth with humanoids.
2. The Second World introduced 3 advanced human groups and lasted 150 million years
3. The Third World of 49 + million years was the height of Atlantis cut short by a Nuclear Holocaust and ecological disaster.
4. The Fourth World of 4 to 5 thousand years spent most of that time recovering from the fallout and genetic mutations. The last 500 to 1,000 years the Matriarch flourished.
5. The Fifth World we know and has been in the time of written history ending in 1992 AE
6. The Sixth World is struggling to begin.

2 or 3 of the 6 worlds ended with apocalyptic events.
(5), approximate time-spans channeled by Ontario

2. Ibid
3. Ibid
5. Beyond Fear: A Toltec Guide to Freedom and Joy - The Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz by Mary Carroll Nelson & Don Miguel Ruiz, Amber Allen, San Rafael, CA 1999

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