Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer Solstice

06-20-09 Saturday 10:46 pm PDT
06-21-09 Saturday 1:46 am EDT

Moon (emotional gauge) at 8 degrees Gemini

Everyone has been feeling the changes. Change is always difficult for our egos because we can’t nail down the content of the future. Trust is an important factor in all-transformational environments. We need to trust universe, the Spirit and ourselves. When we have grounded trust in our being then change can be less stressful.

The nature – the very ground of our beingness – of how we nurture ourselves is being transformed. This is a back to basics movement based on the health of the environment and our very survival. Thus the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere is both sobering and magical from an alchemical point of view. The best magic is when we surrender control to let Spirit and the forces of the universe shape our lives in exciting new ways. Surrender requires the presence of being to let go of old dysfunctional patterns while letting the Higher Self and/or Spirit bring a new healthy pattern to us.

The day can be a mixed one or it can be a springboard into the next 6 months (until the next solstice) and looking at our progress on 9/22 the Equinox. We can expand our dreams and visions and work to heal them as we work to clean our space and our planet. What are the dysfunctional patterns that sabotage you from manifesting your visions? (You may need help so contact me for a session if need be I have some techniques that are useful in letting go of the old and establishing new healthy patterns in us.)

Look to communicating your emotions in a context of responsibility and maturity especially with your partner.

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