Saturday, June 13, 2009

Full Moon In Capricorn – Lunar Eclipse

07-07-09, 2:22am Capricorn 16 degrees

The Earth blocks the light (consciousness) of the Sun casting its light on the moon – always a full moon. This will not be a total lunar eclipse but a penumbra eclipse and a small one so that it will be barely perceptible but in Australia and Asia.

While light is consciousness we use our light to identify areas of darkness so as to release the psychological shadow to the light. Shadow elements or Capricorn and Cancer (Sun in Cancer) are available for us to look at, work with and release.

Some Cancer shadow issues are narcissism, over-indulgence, and immaturity, creating oneself as a victim.

Some Capricorn shadow issues are a patriarchal dominance imbued with capricious cruelty, rules that change for the sake of the power-possessor, and conversely martyrdom in isolation, blame, guilt and shame.

The nature of the 2000 years of the patriarchy has been associated with Capricorn and as we all know that no longer works. Transformational magic – destruction and re-creation forces are at work in all things patriarchal ranging from governments to business, Automobiles and oil both patriarchal and darkly Capricorn are undergoing destruction and re-creation processes.

Dreams and visions of the future and the future of the community of the planet are healing. When you look to June of 1990 – a similar healing theme is now occurring and that time was just before the beginning of the vibrational opening into the 6th world.

• 1st world – Sirians, Pleiadians and other ETs deposited life systems and life-forms on Planet earth - 1 million years
• 2nd world – Shambhalans arrived, Pangaea held all the corporeal and non-corporeal beings 100 thousand years
• 3rd world – Lemurians, Atlantians and Hyperboreans were the major races. The Shambhalans had disappeared from corporeal space
• 4th world began with the Nuclear destruction of the 3rd world and the beginning of the Matriarch 4,000 years
• 5th world began with the Huns sweep of Asia and the destruction of the matriarchy for the patriarchy 2 – 3,000 years
• 6th world – of partnership and community began in 1991

Innovative experiments are supported by this Full Moon as well as acting the principles of healing to establish new forms in the community.

See prosperity rituals:

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