Monday, February 9, 2009

Moon Void of Course

You've never seen any writings from me on Moon Void of Course which literally means that the Moon does not have any major angles to it with planets just before it enters the next sign. During this time it is said that any endeavor will be for naught. So people who follow astrology closely believe that anything that one does during Moon Void of Course will be fruitless.

If you believe that then it will come to pass and this is another example of victim-think astrology. I, of course, do NOT believe Moon Void of Course has that effect on us. First of all those that consider major angles only in their interpretation leave out minor angles - a judgement call of convenience. Dane Rudyard said that minor angles unconsidered is foolishness and a waste of consciousness, I'm para-phrasing of course. Even if the moon did not have angles to planets or asteroids its likely that the energy would be pure allowing one to tap that mood and use it to create.

For more on this topic and the history of Moon VOC see

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