Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Recovered: VIBE: Nov 12 – 13, 2008

Out of the Dark Into the Light Edition
Getting the edge on upcoming energies

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Taurus Full Moon 11/12, 13 & Mayan 6th Day Begins

All times PST unless otherwise noted

This report includes translations of what other astrologers consider “Minor Angles” such as Inconjuncts, Quintiles, Septiles, Sesquiquadrates and Noviles as well as the “Major Angles”
Taurus Full Moon 11/12 or 13
10:17 pm PST, 1:17 am EST, 22 degrees Taurus

This Full Moon is a Super Full Moon – where the moon is at syzygy* (see bottom) and perigee – when the moon is closest to the earth.

The effect of this Full Moon in the Earth Sign of Taurus is manifested two-fold: 1. It has a powerful physical effect on our bodies and the earth including higher tides, and stress on the tectonic plates.

Second: Because of the Full Moon’s alignment with Sedna a planetoid at the edge of the solar system discovered in 2003 by the same group that discovered Eris it presents us with a global if not cosmic-consciousness paradigm. Sedna, is the Inuit Goddess of Whales and seals that is an underworld goddess of the mysteries of renewal through death and rebirth.

The planetary consciousness is beginning to come to grips with the economic situation worldwide. There are limits to growth as we can see with global warming and the limited resource of oil complete with supply and demand speculations and pricing. As a people we are beginning to sober up because we are confronting consequences of the excesses patriarchy. This is requiring us to work within the physical limitations of Earth for our survival.

This Taurus Full Moon in some ways represents the culmination or pinnacle of the limits of the material life. Typically Taurus is an insular and fixed sign having to do with the integrity of the self. When approached from its highest vibration Taurus is about giving birth to new life and new forms of energy as cultivated through love that belongs to self, earth energy, values and our philosophy or the code we live by.

Full moons are the peak of a cycle that starts with the birth of a seed or idea at the New Moon (10/28 Scorpio –transformation birth from death). The Taurus Full Moon on 11/11/2000 just after G W Bush became President seemed to indicate that the nation was under many expansive illusions or delusions and may have been puffed up with it’s own self-importance. Now this Full Moon marks a sobering of that self-important imperialism and growth with a “slow-growth” economy based on the limits of the natural world.

What happens when we slow down?

We may begin to see that which we have taken for granted and then begin to honor what we have with gratefulness. The element of the sacred can begin to enter when we take growth slowly honoring and respecting our home – Earth. Sedna’s conjunction with this full moon allows us to give birth to a new consciousness of limits. In my practice I know that the more I am present in my physical, mental, and emotional being the more I can be on the interdimensional global and cosmic plane. This is a paradox because it leaps beyond ego and the rational mind into the mysterious non-rational sublime.

Also indicated in this Full Moon is the invention and innovation needed on a massive scale to alter the direction the planet’s economy into an Aquarian Vision. This will be both upsetting and refreshing. Upsetting because we tend to cling to the familiar ways and refreshing because new ways of being in community and in relationship with the environment will manifest in the healthiest way for all. The election of Barack Obama is an example of this innovation at work and a departure from the traditional democratic model.

Because this Full Moon marks the end of the 5th Mayan Night and the beginning of the 6th Mayan Day it is significant. The 5th Mayan night was a time of chaos and destruction and can be seen as a way of cleansing and purification for the new to manifest. The last 5th Mayan Night spanned the years 1932 to 1952. WWII ended in 1945. Seven years passed between 45 and 52 as the end of the period of chaos and destruction while the allies began rebuilding Europe. Since we live in greatly accelerated times the election of Obama may have marked the end of one battle rich versus poor and 7 – 8 days later the 6th Mayan Day Begins.

The Sixth Mayan Day is a rebuilding period and a Renaissance, which ends on 11/09/09. There are Six Mayan Days and Seven Mayan Nights. I will speak more about The Mayan Days and Nights in upcoming VIBES.

NOTE: I will be taking a two-week break from writing the VIBE.

*(Noun syzygy - 1. The straight-line conjunction or opposition of three celestial bodies, for example, the Sun, Earth, and Moon 2. A pair of related things that are either similar or opposite)
Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

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