Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Recovered: November Horoscopes a Quick Look

Scorpio (Happy Birthday) 10/21 to 11/21 – Your perceptive and alchemical abilities are running high this month and this will attract attention from the discerning eye. You may experience some tension as the month begins so get a moderate amount of exercise – try an empowerment workshop or home improvement in the beginning of the month. Try putting your perceptive abilities to work in a writing project. Towards the end of the month it’s important to find an outlet for pent up energies lest you blow everyone away.

Sagittarius (Happy Birthday) 11/21 to 12/21 – Love may be difficult and/or exciting at the beginning of the month. Your budget and hard work issues loom large for you. You may experience some belt tightening up until the 13 through the 18th. After that work pays off so slow your pace. Also you may find it easier to communicate exactly what you wish to create by month’s end.

Capricorn 12/21 to 01/21 – Hang onto your hat if you still have one. It’s a bumpy and exciting ride for you this month so prepare for a good sense of humor and the wee trickster to enter your life up until 11/27 or 28 when you may begin breathing again. The elections may leave you feeling high and in the land of bliss. But right afterwards everybody wants something from you – mainly more work. This tapers off around the 15th. Apply humor, stir three times and prepare to grow!!!

Aquarius 01/21 to 02/21 – You may feel at odds with thinking and communicating inside and out in the first week of the month. Old wounds ready for release may rise to the surface for healing through the 15th. Consider it a detox so that you may be an example to others and available with your compassion to apply in your relationships and for others.

Pisces 02/21 to 03/21 – Except for some grandiose ideas about love and /or money in the first few days of the month this could be the lucky month you’ve been waiting for. Laziness, inertia and indecisiveness are your obstacles this month in terms of love and communication about love. Let your heart open and ACT!

Aries 03/21 to 04/21 – This is a passionate month for you. It could be hot! Or is it that you can’t stop so let go of “having to do”? Let go or you could get stuck in the do-do. Romance is hopping for you as long as you can communicate clearly. Try not to get too attached to the outcome of your messages.

Taurus 04/21 to 05/21 – This month begins with the theme of shadow release. Make an inventory of all that you don’t like in your partner, children, parents and friends. Which qualities push your buttons the most? How are you like that person or their opposite? Prepare to do a ritual to release your shadow issues as they are exposed with you attitudes towards others. If you are keeping score up to the 15th then you may miss the healing love experience at Thanksgiving time! Now go and love some more, yah!

Gemini 05/21 to 06/21 – If you’re a person that needs to be in control (stuck in a routine) this could be a month of obsessive-compulsive struggle to keep this routine going. You’re very magnetic this month but if your using righteousness and grabbing rigidly for more control you may magnetize people and experiences that drive you crazy with irritation, anger, rage and their fall - depression. RELAX AND BREATHE. Let go! Ride the passionate airwaves and know that the universe supports your flow.

Cancer 06/21 to 07/21 – The beginning of the month could create a war with your partner (friend, boss or anyone) – this is a war to establish dominance and moreover security. This is a no win when you choose war and look for security in your control over another person. Instead find new ways to nurture yourself when you are alone and let go of the need (fear) to control when in the presence of loved ones and fellow workers. From Nov 11th to the end of the month its romance and flow – you go!

Leo 07/21 to 08/21 – Communication issues are up. If you’re feeling tired get your thyroid checked and take a rest if you can before the 13th. After the 13th it’s smooth sailing where creativity run high. Around Thanksgiving look for some new love or romantic idea that you feel passionate about. Prepare to let it go if your partner doesn’t share your enthusiasm let this righteousness drag you down and sully the good communication influence at month’s end.

Virgo 08/21 to 09/21 – At last – your hard work is paying off. This month may seem like magic if you can stop working and smell the roses. Communication, prosperity, and love on all levels are in flow for you where it seems like easy mastery. So flow with the go, work and rest in balance – ah…

Libra 09/21 to 10/21 – Can you handle ease? The only big conflict this month may be the breakup or breakthrough with a lover around the 13th through the 15th. Don’t resist this because it will allow you to experience the bounty of communication and direct action that you’ve been working on for the passed 6 months. Otherwise an easy month…

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