A Planetary Event 11/26
Pluto enters Capricorn at 6:36 pm until 2023
Pluto last entered Capricorn in 1762
Pluto left Capricorn for Aquarius in Dec 1778
Transformation Moves Mountains – Part 1 (in a continuing series on Pluto in Capricorn)
Pluto’s movement into Capricorn represents a major transformation of our world if we pay attention and act or it could be the beginning of the end of humans as a species on Earth.
To understand why this transformation is so crucial we must look at the mythology and our history thus far. Pluto is symbolic of a fertility myth related to the dying of crops, fallowing fields, the dormancy of winter – a death followed by a rebirth in spring. If we follow the myth to it’s roots it is a story to explain precession – the wobble of Earth on her axis that creates the seasons, specifically winter and then spring. It’s mythology woven with what we might think of as quaint, primitive, archaic and agrarian in nature.
Humanity has steadily been moving away from our agrarian roots. Our daily sensibilities are disconnected from Earth. We are divorced from a physical and spiritual connection to Earth as we were when the primary mode of existence was farming and/or being a part of an indigenous tribe. Of course this is not to say that we don’t cultivate a connection to Earth by gardening or farming on a small scale, and engaging in practices that allow us a personal connection to the planet. However we are divorced from the necessity of growing food for survival.
Many indigenous tribes have warned “younger brother” namely – us of our reckless actions that endanger the planet. We have been “going along” in this divorced world using up resources and “getting rich” while destroying the home we have been living in. It seems clear that the transformations that we are to endure may be greater than if we had been paying attention and taking action all along. However it seems that we enjoy scaring ourselves with endings (end of the world apocalyptic visions) because we have been living in a world divorced from endings.
All our endings are short term – based on quarterly profits that are somewhere else. It can’t be touched so maybe it’s not real for me. It’s not as real as feeling the ground rise and fall in an earthquake or planting a seed and watching it sprout. Endings in the modern world are ones that we have created and are fixable. The resources of the natural world have never been part of the equation of profit and therefore have been relegated to never-never land.
Whether Global Warming caused by humans is a perception that is true or false doesn’t matter. Even if there is only a one percent chance that humans have contributed to global warming then we must do sometime about it. Even if Global Warming wasn’t happening we must connect to Earth in a real way of cause and effect because it’s the right thing to do.
You don’t abandon your Mother or the mother in you or the nurturing because you’re having too good a time. Or maybe you do.
Let’s say that while in the womb we live in houses, drive cars, go to schools, supermarkets, surf the web, have wars, go swimming, eat breakfast, but we’re unaware that we’re in a womb. We take the womb for granted. Eventually the womb grows sick due to our excesses.
Of course the same thing is happening with the earth. Our economy is doomed to excess and collapse because we heed no limits.
Therefore the entry of Pluto into Capricorn is momentous for Modern Civilized Peoples because we don’t honor our home we must change or suffer the consequences. The consequences may mean the human species may be wiped out.
This is the first in a series about Pluto in Capricorn
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sagittarius New Moon 11/27/08
Sagittarius New Moon 11/27/08
8:55 am PST at 6 degrees
New Moons are about new beginnings because reflected light is totally absent due to the shadow of Earth over the moon. Crops planted under a new moon are rooted and grow better than when planted at any other time because of the gravitational effect.
This new moon is a “taking stock’ in all that we have presently and reality testing / realizing our limits. The planet is speaking to us about our excesses and asking us to see the global truth of limits. When we examine global limits we must also examine our personal limits and the truths about those limits if we are to move beyond them.
My personal work and my work with students is couched in aims and goals. An aim is an open-ended goal such as “I wish to heal every willing person on the planet.” or “I wish to bring fairness and justice to all the peoples of the world.” Aims are never-ending goals that reflect our philosophy or code for life. They provide hope and direction for consciousness to expand and evolve.
Goals are derived from aims and they are clearly measurable. They have a beginning, middle and end. “I work with my clients this week to facilitate and empower them as healers of themselves.” Or “I want to acquire a 2 bedroom house by 9/3/2009.”
Aims and Goals are important now more than ever because this new moon marks a jumping off point into a new world.
Every thing we stand for as a nation since we began in 1776 is up for review and re-examination. History moves in cycles. A short example of this cycle from June 2008 to the present questions and concerns have arisen in the following areas:
The astrological action Uranus goes direct.
The next momentous change that will continue to transform our lives based on the perceived limits presented by global warming from now until 2023 is about structures of what is organized on a corporeal level transforming.
What will be transformed?
We will be forced to adopt a new way of being in the world – in anew relationship with ourselves and with Earth herself, with government and with corporations and structures of every kind. See Blog entrees on Pluto in Capricorn,
The path of the hero is the quest for truth. The archer of Sagittarius is taking aim at this truth and freeing the arrow to find its destination. When we view universal truth we do so through our personal truth. When we assume we have the perspective to see the whole of universal truth our egos become arrogant and self-serving. When we are able to examine universal truth with others who are doing same then we ally ourselves with community.
I set aim at an Aquarian Democracy be examining my own truth, entering into a dialog with others to craft a community through sharing ideas and putting them into action.
Now is the time to dialog about personal and universal truths and make action based on your aim as manifest in a goal that produces sults that can be built upon for the future.
8:55 am PST at 6 degrees
New Moons are about new beginnings because reflected light is totally absent due to the shadow of Earth over the moon. Crops planted under a new moon are rooted and grow better than when planted at any other time because of the gravitational effect.
This new moon is a “taking stock’ in all that we have presently and reality testing / realizing our limits. The planet is speaking to us about our excesses and asking us to see the global truth of limits. When we examine global limits we must also examine our personal limits and the truths about those limits if we are to move beyond them.
My personal work and my work with students is couched in aims and goals. An aim is an open-ended goal such as “I wish to heal every willing person on the planet.” or “I wish to bring fairness and justice to all the peoples of the world.” Aims are never-ending goals that reflect our philosophy or code for life. They provide hope and direction for consciousness to expand and evolve.
Goals are derived from aims and they are clearly measurable. They have a beginning, middle and end. “I work with my clients this week to facilitate and empower them as healers of themselves.” Or “I want to acquire a 2 bedroom house by 9/3/2009.”
Aims and Goals are important now more than ever because this new moon marks a jumping off point into a new world.
Every thing we stand for as a nation since we began in 1776 is up for review and re-examination. History moves in cycles. A short example of this cycle from June 2008 to the present questions and concerns have arisen in the following areas:
- Democracy
- Leaps of Evolutionary Consciousness
- Computer Breakthroughs
- Electronic Breakthroughs
- Good Luck
- Aquarian Age Transformations
- Resources have Limits
The astrological action Uranus goes direct.
The next momentous change that will continue to transform our lives based on the perceived limits presented by global warming from now until 2023 is about structures of what is organized on a corporeal level transforming.
What will be transformed?
- Earth/Gaia,
- Skyscrapers and every building
- Bones,
- Corporations,
- Economic Structures,
- Government,
- Church,
- Ego
- Spiritual Connection to Earth
We will be forced to adopt a new way of being in the world – in anew relationship with ourselves and with Earth herself, with government and with corporations and structures of every kind. See Blog entrees on Pluto in Capricorn,
The path of the hero is the quest for truth. The archer of Sagittarius is taking aim at this truth and freeing the arrow to find its destination. When we view universal truth we do so through our personal truth. When we assume we have the perspective to see the whole of universal truth our egos become arrogant and self-serving. When we are able to examine universal truth with others who are doing same then we ally ourselves with community.
I set aim at an Aquarian Democracy be examining my own truth, entering into a dialog with others to craft a community through sharing ideas and putting them into action.
Now is the time to dialog about personal and universal truths and make action based on your aim as manifest in a goal that produces sults that can be built upon for the future.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Pluto and change 11-26-08
Pluto (the alchemist) moving into the sign of Capricorn (where it will be until 2023), the "brick-wall" realization that our oil addicted economy is in trouble (the volatility of the financial markets), that Earth is precious and where corporations will need to be restructured by necessity is coming.
Pluto went into Capricorn on January 25th where it remains until Friday June 13th where it slips back into Sagittarius in retrograde. Then in November on the 26th Pluto goes back into Capricorn where it will remain until 2023. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was 1762 to 1778.
People most affected by Pluto this year (2008) are people born between the 18th and 23rd of the following months in order of most challenging to alchemically transformative:
This piece was written in Dec of 2007
Pluto went into Capricorn on January 25th where it remains until Friday June 13th where it slips back into Sagittarius in retrograde. Then in November on the 26th Pluto goes back into Capricorn where it will remain until 2023. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was 1762 to 1778.
People most affected by Pluto this year (2008) are people born between the 18th and 23rd of the following months in order of most challenging to alchemically transformative:
- December
- June
- March
- September
- April
- August
- February
- October
This piece was written in Dec of 2007
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I was setting up a new blog - didn't like the title, went to delete the entire blog and deleted the VIBE by mistake.
The New Blog is about sharing abundance rituals.
Also am taking a break from this blog of about a week.
The New Blog is about sharing abundance rituals.
Also am taking a break from this blog of about a week.
Recovered: November Horoscopes a Quick Look
Scorpio (Happy Birthday) 10/21 to 11/21 – Your perceptive and alchemical abilities are running high this month and this will attract attention from the discerning eye. You may experience some tension as the month begins so get a moderate amount of exercise – try an empowerment workshop or home improvement in the beginning of the month. Try putting your perceptive abilities to work in a writing project. Towards the end of the month it’s important to find an outlet for pent up energies lest you blow everyone away.
Sagittarius (Happy Birthday) 11/21 to 12/21 – Love may be difficult and/or exciting at the beginning of the month. Your budget and hard work issues loom large for you. You may experience some belt tightening up until the 13 through the 18th. After that work pays off so slow your pace. Also you may find it easier to communicate exactly what you wish to create by month’s end.
Capricorn 12/21 to 01/21 – Hang onto your hat if you still have one. It’s a bumpy and exciting ride for you this month so prepare for a good sense of humor and the wee trickster to enter your life up until 11/27 or 28 when you may begin breathing again. The elections may leave you feeling high and in the land of bliss. But right afterwards everybody wants something from you – mainly more work. This tapers off around the 15th. Apply humor, stir three times and prepare to grow!!!
Aquarius 01/21 to 02/21 – You may feel at odds with thinking and communicating inside and out in the first week of the month. Old wounds ready for release may rise to the surface for healing through the 15th. Consider it a detox so that you may be an example to others and available with your compassion to apply in your relationships and for others.
Pisces 02/21 to 03/21 – Except for some grandiose ideas about love and /or money in the first few days of the month this could be the lucky month you’ve been waiting for. Laziness, inertia and indecisiveness are your obstacles this month in terms of love and communication about love. Let your heart open and ACT!
Aries 03/21 to 04/21 – This is a passionate month for you. It could be hot! Or is it that you can’t stop so let go of “having to do”? Let go or you could get stuck in the do-do. Romance is hopping for you as long as you can communicate clearly. Try not to get too attached to the outcome of your messages.
Taurus 04/21 to 05/21 – This month begins with the theme of shadow release. Make an inventory of all that you don’t like in your partner, children, parents and friends. Which qualities push your buttons the most? How are you like that person or their opposite? Prepare to do a ritual to release your shadow issues as they are exposed with you attitudes towards others. If you are keeping score up to the 15th then you may miss the healing love experience at Thanksgiving time! Now go and love some more, yah!
Gemini 05/21 to 06/21 – If you’re a person that needs to be in control (stuck in a routine) this could be a month of obsessive-compulsive struggle to keep this routine going. You’re very magnetic this month but if your using righteousness and grabbing rigidly for more control you may magnetize people and experiences that drive you crazy with irritation, anger, rage and their fall - depression. RELAX AND BREATHE. Let go! Ride the passionate airwaves and know that the universe supports your flow.
Cancer 06/21 to 07/21 – The beginning of the month could create a war with your partner (friend, boss or anyone) – this is a war to establish dominance and moreover security. This is a no win when you choose war and look for security in your control over another person. Instead find new ways to nurture yourself when you are alone and let go of the need (fear) to control when in the presence of loved ones and fellow workers. From Nov 11th to the end of the month its romance and flow – you go!
Leo 07/21 to 08/21 – Communication issues are up. If you’re feeling tired get your thyroid checked and take a rest if you can before the 13th. After the 13th it’s smooth sailing where creativity run high. Around Thanksgiving look for some new love or romantic idea that you feel passionate about. Prepare to let it go if your partner doesn’t share your enthusiasm let this righteousness drag you down and sully the good communication influence at month’s end.
Virgo 08/21 to 09/21 – At last – your hard work is paying off. This month may seem like magic if you can stop working and smell the roses. Communication, prosperity, and love on all levels are in flow for you where it seems like easy mastery. So flow with the go, work and rest in balance – ah…
Libra 09/21 to 10/21 – Can you handle ease? The only big conflict this month may be the breakup or breakthrough with a lover around the 13th through the 15th. Don’t resist this because it will allow you to experience the bounty of communication and direct action that you’ve been working on for the passed 6 months. Otherwise an easy month…
Sagittarius (Happy Birthday) 11/21 to 12/21 – Love may be difficult and/or exciting at the beginning of the month. Your budget and hard work issues loom large for you. You may experience some belt tightening up until the 13 through the 18th. After that work pays off so slow your pace. Also you may find it easier to communicate exactly what you wish to create by month’s end.
Capricorn 12/21 to 01/21 – Hang onto your hat if you still have one. It’s a bumpy and exciting ride for you this month so prepare for a good sense of humor and the wee trickster to enter your life up until 11/27 or 28 when you may begin breathing again. The elections may leave you feeling high and in the land of bliss. But right afterwards everybody wants something from you – mainly more work. This tapers off around the 15th. Apply humor, stir three times and prepare to grow!!!
Aquarius 01/21 to 02/21 – You may feel at odds with thinking and communicating inside and out in the first week of the month. Old wounds ready for release may rise to the surface for healing through the 15th. Consider it a detox so that you may be an example to others and available with your compassion to apply in your relationships and for others.
Pisces 02/21 to 03/21 – Except for some grandiose ideas about love and /or money in the first few days of the month this could be the lucky month you’ve been waiting for. Laziness, inertia and indecisiveness are your obstacles this month in terms of love and communication about love. Let your heart open and ACT!
Aries 03/21 to 04/21 – This is a passionate month for you. It could be hot! Or is it that you can’t stop so let go of “having to do”? Let go or you could get stuck in the do-do. Romance is hopping for you as long as you can communicate clearly. Try not to get too attached to the outcome of your messages.
Taurus 04/21 to 05/21 – This month begins with the theme of shadow release. Make an inventory of all that you don’t like in your partner, children, parents and friends. Which qualities push your buttons the most? How are you like that person or their opposite? Prepare to do a ritual to release your shadow issues as they are exposed with you attitudes towards others. If you are keeping score up to the 15th then you may miss the healing love experience at Thanksgiving time! Now go and love some more, yah!
Gemini 05/21 to 06/21 – If you’re a person that needs to be in control (stuck in a routine) this could be a month of obsessive-compulsive struggle to keep this routine going. You’re very magnetic this month but if your using righteousness and grabbing rigidly for more control you may magnetize people and experiences that drive you crazy with irritation, anger, rage and their fall - depression. RELAX AND BREATHE. Let go! Ride the passionate airwaves and know that the universe supports your flow.
Cancer 06/21 to 07/21 – The beginning of the month could create a war with your partner (friend, boss or anyone) – this is a war to establish dominance and moreover security. This is a no win when you choose war and look for security in your control over another person. Instead find new ways to nurture yourself when you are alone and let go of the need (fear) to control when in the presence of loved ones and fellow workers. From Nov 11th to the end of the month its romance and flow – you go!
Leo 07/21 to 08/21 – Communication issues are up. If you’re feeling tired get your thyroid checked and take a rest if you can before the 13th. After the 13th it’s smooth sailing where creativity run high. Around Thanksgiving look for some new love or romantic idea that you feel passionate about. Prepare to let it go if your partner doesn’t share your enthusiasm let this righteousness drag you down and sully the good communication influence at month’s end.
Virgo 08/21 to 09/21 – At last – your hard work is paying off. This month may seem like magic if you can stop working and smell the roses. Communication, prosperity, and love on all levels are in flow for you where it seems like easy mastery. So flow with the go, work and rest in balance – ah…
Libra 09/21 to 10/21 – Can you handle ease? The only big conflict this month may be the breakup or breakthrough with a lover around the 13th through the 15th. Don’t resist this because it will allow you to experience the bounty of communication and direct action that you’ve been working on for the passed 6 months. Otherwise an easy month…
Recovered: VIBE: Nov 12 – 13, 2008
Out of the Dark Into the Light Edition
Getting the edge on upcoming energies
Feel free to pass this on…
Taurus Full Moon 11/12, 13 & Mayan 6th Day Begins
All times PST unless otherwise noted
This report includes translations of what other astrologers consider “Minor Angles” such as Inconjuncts, Quintiles, Septiles, Sesquiquadrates and Noviles as well as the “Major Angles”
Taurus Full Moon 11/12 or 13
10:17 pm PST, 1:17 am EST, 22 degrees Taurus
This Full Moon is a Super Full Moon – where the moon is at syzygy* (see bottom) and perigee – when the moon is closest to the earth.
The effect of this Full Moon in the Earth Sign of Taurus is manifested two-fold: 1. It has a powerful physical effect on our bodies and the earth including higher tides, and stress on the tectonic plates.
Second: Because of the Full Moon’s alignment with Sedna a planetoid at the edge of the solar system discovered in 2003 by the same group that discovered Eris it presents us with a global if not cosmic-consciousness paradigm. Sedna, is the Inuit Goddess of Whales and seals that is an underworld goddess of the mysteries of renewal through death and rebirth.
The planetary consciousness is beginning to come to grips with the economic situation worldwide. There are limits to growth as we can see with global warming and the limited resource of oil complete with supply and demand speculations and pricing. As a people we are beginning to sober up because we are confronting consequences of the excesses patriarchy. This is requiring us to work within the physical limitations of Earth for our survival.
This Taurus Full Moon in some ways represents the culmination or pinnacle of the limits of the material life. Typically Taurus is an insular and fixed sign having to do with the integrity of the self. When approached from its highest vibration Taurus is about giving birth to new life and new forms of energy as cultivated through love that belongs to self, earth energy, values and our philosophy or the code we live by.
Full moons are the peak of a cycle that starts with the birth of a seed or idea at the New Moon (10/28 Scorpio –transformation birth from death). The Taurus Full Moon on 11/11/2000 just after G W Bush became President seemed to indicate that the nation was under many expansive illusions or delusions and may have been puffed up with it’s own self-importance. Now this Full Moon marks a sobering of that self-important imperialism and growth with a “slow-growth” economy based on the limits of the natural world.
What happens when we slow down?
We may begin to see that which we have taken for granted and then begin to honor what we have with gratefulness. The element of the sacred can begin to enter when we take growth slowly honoring and respecting our home – Earth. Sedna’s conjunction with this full moon allows us to give birth to a new consciousness of limits. In my practice I know that the more I am present in my physical, mental, and emotional being the more I can be on the interdimensional global and cosmic plane. This is a paradox because it leaps beyond ego and the rational mind into the mysterious non-rational sublime.
Also indicated in this Full Moon is the invention and innovation needed on a massive scale to alter the direction the planet’s economy into an Aquarian Vision. This will be both upsetting and refreshing. Upsetting because we tend to cling to the familiar ways and refreshing because new ways of being in community and in relationship with the environment will manifest in the healthiest way for all. The election of Barack Obama is an example of this innovation at work and a departure from the traditional democratic model.
Because this Full Moon marks the end of the 5th Mayan Night and the beginning of the 6th Mayan Day it is significant. The 5th Mayan night was a time of chaos and destruction and can be seen as a way of cleansing and purification for the new to manifest. The last 5th Mayan Night spanned the years 1932 to 1952. WWII ended in 1945. Seven years passed between 45 and 52 as the end of the period of chaos and destruction while the allies began rebuilding Europe. Since we live in greatly accelerated times the election of Obama may have marked the end of one battle rich versus poor and 7 – 8 days later the 6th Mayan Day Begins.
The Sixth Mayan Day is a rebuilding period and a Renaissance, which ends on 11/09/09. There are Six Mayan Days and Seven Mayan Nights. I will speak more about The Mayan Days and Nights in upcoming VIBES.
NOTE: I will be taking a two-week break from writing the VIBE.
*(Noun syzygy - 1. The straight-line conjunction or opposition of three celestial bodies, for example, the Sun, Earth, and Moon 2. A pair of related things that are either similar or opposite)
Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Getting the edge on upcoming energies
Feel free to pass this on…
Taurus Full Moon 11/12, 13 & Mayan 6th Day Begins
All times PST unless otherwise noted
This report includes translations of what other astrologers consider “Minor Angles” such as Inconjuncts, Quintiles, Septiles, Sesquiquadrates and Noviles as well as the “Major Angles”
Taurus Full Moon 11/12 or 13
10:17 pm PST, 1:17 am EST, 22 degrees Taurus
This Full Moon is a Super Full Moon – where the moon is at syzygy* (see bottom) and perigee – when the moon is closest to the earth.
The effect of this Full Moon in the Earth Sign of Taurus is manifested two-fold: 1. It has a powerful physical effect on our bodies and the earth including higher tides, and stress on the tectonic plates.
Second: Because of the Full Moon’s alignment with Sedna a planetoid at the edge of the solar system discovered in 2003 by the same group that discovered Eris it presents us with a global if not cosmic-consciousness paradigm. Sedna, is the Inuit Goddess of Whales and seals that is an underworld goddess of the mysteries of renewal through death and rebirth.
The planetary consciousness is beginning to come to grips with the economic situation worldwide. There are limits to growth as we can see with global warming and the limited resource of oil complete with supply and demand speculations and pricing. As a people we are beginning to sober up because we are confronting consequences of the excesses patriarchy. This is requiring us to work within the physical limitations of Earth for our survival.
This Taurus Full Moon in some ways represents the culmination or pinnacle of the limits of the material life. Typically Taurus is an insular and fixed sign having to do with the integrity of the self. When approached from its highest vibration Taurus is about giving birth to new life and new forms of energy as cultivated through love that belongs to self, earth energy, values and our philosophy or the code we live by.
Full moons are the peak of a cycle that starts with the birth of a seed or idea at the New Moon (10/28 Scorpio –transformation birth from death). The Taurus Full Moon on 11/11/2000 just after G W Bush became President seemed to indicate that the nation was under many expansive illusions or delusions and may have been puffed up with it’s own self-importance. Now this Full Moon marks a sobering of that self-important imperialism and growth with a “slow-growth” economy based on the limits of the natural world.
What happens when we slow down?
We may begin to see that which we have taken for granted and then begin to honor what we have with gratefulness. The element of the sacred can begin to enter when we take growth slowly honoring and respecting our home – Earth. Sedna’s conjunction with this full moon allows us to give birth to a new consciousness of limits. In my practice I know that the more I am present in my physical, mental, and emotional being the more I can be on the interdimensional global and cosmic plane. This is a paradox because it leaps beyond ego and the rational mind into the mysterious non-rational sublime.
Also indicated in this Full Moon is the invention and innovation needed on a massive scale to alter the direction the planet’s economy into an Aquarian Vision. This will be both upsetting and refreshing. Upsetting because we tend to cling to the familiar ways and refreshing because new ways of being in community and in relationship with the environment will manifest in the healthiest way for all. The election of Barack Obama is an example of this innovation at work and a departure from the traditional democratic model.
Because this Full Moon marks the end of the 5th Mayan Night and the beginning of the 6th Mayan Day it is significant. The 5th Mayan night was a time of chaos and destruction and can be seen as a way of cleansing and purification for the new to manifest. The last 5th Mayan Night spanned the years 1932 to 1952. WWII ended in 1945. Seven years passed between 45 and 52 as the end of the period of chaos and destruction while the allies began rebuilding Europe. Since we live in greatly accelerated times the election of Obama may have marked the end of one battle rich versus poor and 7 – 8 days later the 6th Mayan Day Begins.
The Sixth Mayan Day is a rebuilding period and a Renaissance, which ends on 11/09/09. There are Six Mayan Days and Seven Mayan Nights. I will speak more about The Mayan Days and Nights in upcoming VIBES.
NOTE: I will be taking a two-week break from writing the VIBE.
*(Noun syzygy - 1. The straight-line conjunction or opposition of three celestial bodies, for example, the Sun, Earth, and Moon 2. A pair of related things that are either similar or opposite)
Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Recovered: VIBE: Oct 28 – Nov 4, 2008
The USA Election Edition
Getting the edge on upcoming energies
Feel free to pass this on…
1. Scorpio New Moon 10/28 to Election Day
2. Energywave
3. Planetary Events
All times PDT/PST unless otherwise noted
This report includes translations of what other astrologers consider “Minor Angles” such as Inconjuncts, Quintiles, Septiles, Semi-squares, Sesquiquadrates and Noviles as well as the “Major Angles”
1. New Moon in Scorpio 10/28 and to Election Day
Tuesday, 4:14 pm 6 degrees Scorpio
The highest form of Scorpio is a transformation moving out and up. The low end of Scorpio is a change that is a reaction to fear, a desire to protect that falls back into the safety of the known and goes down and in.
Transformation is a leap beyond death to create something new from the ashes of the old and it is facing fear and passing through it. The opposite of this transformational leap is a change that reacts to fear by recoiling from the leap and protecting what one has with isolationist and paranoid responses. (For more on transformation and its shadow see the Energywave below.)
This is an important prelude to the elections on 11/4 one week from today. This is a time when the past and the future are balanced equally between us. The last time this happened was 1965-67 during the Civil Rights movement, Beatles broke onto the scene, the Viet Nam war protests began, and the Race to the Moon to name a few events.
We are poised between the old and the new.
This Scorpio New Moon is the last one of its kind during the end of the Fifth Mayan Night – a time of chaos and destruction. We could look at this as a house cleaning of the shadows of our soul. I’m assuming that in reading this that you are like me – Lightworkers or keepers of your own light. It’s important that we shine the light into our fears and the dark shadows of our depressions, frustrations and other negative emotions. If you find yourself denying negative emotions, look more closely at the dark regions with your light. I have an alchemical Pluto Meditation that may be used as a tool to explore your darker regions. It’s important to look at your current and past relationships. Do you consider yourself greater than or less than any friends, associates, relatives etc.? Are you avoiding someone because you are irritated by them? Our relationships are potential teachers exposing shadow material of the stuff we don’t like to look at or confront. A good exercise in transforming shadow in yourself could look like this:
• Choose 1 to 3 friends whom you trust
• Ask 1 friend to give you an honest portrait of you verbally
• Ask a 2nd friend to give you a written portrait of what is your shadow
• Ask a 3rd friend of what they dislike about you
Consider this house cleaning of the soul before you enter the light on 11/13 (the Taurus Full Moon!)
Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian or Anarchist – each stance will be destroyed so that something new is created according to these extraordinary times.
Events that are set into motion today peak on election day and set certain transformative agents into action. Many of you have voted or are voting using absentee ballots still fall under these influences.
New Moons are the beginning of a cycle and this underscores our mood. We are in the mood for a real change. Our actions are beginning to create growth for the Aquarian Dream / Vision of the future as we are poised between service to the old order and a new Aquarian compassionate synergistic force towards the future.
Those born on 9/9,10,11 may find themselves under much harder work and constraints of work/health concerns amidst unexpected events at every turn (all other signs will also be affected in similar ways except for Leo and Libra). Those born on 3/10,11,12 may find themselves having a wild party time of great excitement and revolution and/or a disruptive time that may feel disciplined. All other birthdays will be affected similarly except Aquarius and Aries. (See me for details)
From a psychic perspective this has not been an easy election to call, but on Oct 28th this new moon those with the shine (intuitive abilities) will begin to feel who will be the next president of the United States of America.
2. Energywave
Fear is a powerful motivator and allows choices that move us away from danger in two ways.
Facing fear and:
• Leaping through it
• Retreating and recoiling from it
When we take a risk we often leap through fear and into a new and mysterious land that is quite different. When we are overwhelmed one response is a withdrawal to protect oneself in a bubble of safety. We employ the two modes of dealing with fear listed above in our lives all the time.
Since the world changed on a fundamental energetic basis in 1992 the primary North American reaction has been to run for cover and to embrace a protectionist political stance as represented by the Bush Administration who wishes to rule rather than govern as mandated by his version of the Divine. This stance comes in reaction to Global Warming and continued denials of a world change so that the rich and powerful remain in control. In the 1930s the majority of the wealth of the United States has been held in the hands of the top percentile creating some of the conditions for the Great Depression in order to take greater control of the US and world wide wealth. The problem is greed and the hoarding that greed creates in those that think they know better than the rest of us.
The climate since the deregulation of government and industry in the Reagan Administration has been a concentration of wealth amongst the wealthiest with the assumption that this “good for business” approach would benefit all working peoples. This assumes that greed and the quest for greater profit at the expense of people doesn’t exist. Clinton’s establishment of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was a botched idea of a patch in trying to create opportunities for all who applied without the education needed and the assumption that capitalism would continue to create growth and income without limit or end.
In this climate voters have responded to identifiable fears such as terrorism as in 9/11, the limits of oil and other organized slogans promoted by conservatives as divisive ways to keep people in fear so that the old (safe?) way can be continued. Liberals up until now (Obama may be an exception) have not agreed on a single vision to carry fairness for all forward and have fallen back on protecting the underdog by spending more money. The Bush administration in the name of conservatives has spent more money – primarily through emergency funding of the Iraq war (fuzzy objectives) whose yearly figures have fallen outside the official budget. The unspoken object has been the procurement of Iraq oil, which has not yet been agreed upon.
In the climate of the world and its presenting limits (Pluto in Capricorn 2008-23*) we can respond separately by retreating into the old isolationist fear of “might makes right” values and vote from the paranoid position or we can forge coalitions of working together and embrace the new way that leaps through the fear.
Avoid or confront.
[*Pluto – transformation – destroys in order to create something new. Pluto rules Scorpio – which is the sign of intense in-depth transformation. Capricorn – the sign of the corporation, institution and government, of the limits of Earth…]
Transformations are sea-change of birth from death. A simple kind of transformation is ice melting into water or the ingredients of water, flour, sweetener and yeast over heat makes bread.
Transformations allow for a leap through fear based on trust. Most entrepreneurs begin from a transformational place of risk taking the leap. Once established they become more conservative wishing to protect what they have and make favorable more calculated risks. The dangers of being established is wishing to beat the competition by whatever means necessary and not realizing that this zeal even exists within the established group or corporation. Reactions of “us and them” divide people based on their fears. These fears are reactions to a transforming world that promises safety through isolationism and righteousness that resulted in movements such as the Inquisition.
Righteousness always makes someone else “wrong” and makes losers of those caught in righteousness. The Right-Wrong battle always leaves the “Right” one in the “Wrong” or defeated position in two ways as long as democracy as we know it now is the rubric holding the positions.
[The Right-Wrong strategy is a finite game and changes democracy’s freedoms into a totalitarian state based on money and profit for the elite. Democracy then exists for the top of the elite and is no longer democracy.]
The battle to prove righteousness excludes information and narrows consciousness. It excludes everyone who is not “us”. In the Bush administration it has excluded the Bill of Rights for those not considered “us”. Therefore people who do not believe exactly as “we” do are wrong. People who are “wrong” don’t have a right to be heard and may not have a right to exist. One only look at mainstream media and notice what is not reported, in short – a press represents profit instead of the people. When those opinions that are wrong affect our national security we must preserve the nation’s integrity and repel terrorism and violence it perpetrates from the sovereignty of the nation. But we must not succumb to an “us versus them” paranoia that precludes the bill of rights and due process otherwise we become the terrorist state we are seeking to destroy. The Rand Foundation’s research indicates that terrorism ceases to be radical when it is absorbed into local political processes and that wars against terrorism seek only to promote a climate for same.
The recent 700 billion dollar bailout is part of the socialism for the rich just as the Bush “tax cuts” especially for oil companies have been socialism for the elite. Banks are buying now; JP Morgan/ Chase has consolidated its power just as JP Morgan the banker of the 1920s acquired more banking interests during the 1929 crash and in the subsequent depression that followed.
McCain represents the tradition of the past that honors the powers of top-down organizations of capitalism providing prosperity for those with luck, timing and hard work favoring white middle to upper class conservative individualistic philosophies that exist in the American Dream and are fantasies about what could be. McCain represents the strong individualist who believes that opportunities are made when the government ceases regulation and that the marketplace provides wealth for all that access it. Unfortunately there are major flaws in this argument and it has a long tradition that works for a small elite that many still aspire.
Obama represents a tradition of the past that protects people outside the higher elite with governmental regulations allowing a re-distribution of wealth to those less fortunate and outside the elite circle. There are major flaws with the argument that many aspire. One important point that reaches beyond the tradition of Democratic or Liberal protectionist polices that Obama appears to embrace is the commitment to build a coalition of conservation, moderate and liberal factions to solve incredibly complex problems from unique synergistic solutions. This is the reason why Obama represents the future.
The Right-Wrong Finite Game
Has clear goals,
Creates momentum from zealous beliefs.
Rewards believers with belonging.
Excludes possible valid alternatives.
Damns all who have different beliefs.
Condemns (to death) those that don’t believe
Excludes those that are wrong from perception
Makes those that feel right feel strong, good and better than those that are wrong.
Excludes love from the wrong ones as punishment
Allow believers to simply, racially profile, stereotype and otherwise catagorize non-beilevers.
Allow believers to vilify, condemn and assassinate people who are wrong making them outcasts, prisoners and possibly executing them.
Allow believers to deny, suppress or repress aspects of themselves they find painful to examine and scapegoat these feelings as projections on an undesirable enemy so as to “turn away from their fears.”
In short people that utilize righteousness as a weapon against others make others losers and deny the part of themselves that is also a loser.
Let’s look at the solutions.
3. Planetary Events
Tuesday, 10/28: (See New Moon)
Love and money encounter wildness and unpredictability followed quickly by the good fight or perhaps a disagreement on fairness and justice this morning. The mood is intense and deep. In the afternoon expect a make-up time if there’s been a fight in the morning, otherwise this may be a way to build bridges with good ideas and soothing communications.
Wednesday, 10/29:
The morning begins with a re-thinking or a new way of communicating justice and fairness on the national level. On a personal level this is about finding the passion to communicate what’s fair and just for your self. The afternoon could fill us with a bevy of moods, including growth for healing, joy and energy putting the joy into action. The evening mood brings an intensity that can bring out the protects for working or a mood to experiment in expressing feelings This is a good night for dreams and visions especially if you retire around 11 pm, or expect to have a dreamy time. If you stay awake past 11:11 pm intend a vision to appear – channeled writing, drawing or speaking are some methods for the vision.
Thursday, 10/30:
On the national scene McCain may show an angry mood towards his running mate as an example of this aspect. Partners may get angry at one another. If lovemaking is not employed plan to be asleep – aspect occurs around 3 am (6 am EDT). Love, money and romance are on everybody’s mind particularly what to do about it in the near future so expect discussions. By mid-day we may consider a change in our luck via the wings of transformation. The mood now is how to nurture and love ourselves in unbridled joy (time to skip and sing?). The late afternoon brings good magic when combined with love. Partnerships and alliances of all kinds could get an influx of magic. In the evening it may be easy to work hard and incisively on your project.
Friday, 10/31 – Happy Halloween:
Besides wondering about the future of your relationship in the early hours of the day, this Halloween promises to be on the wild side. In mid afternoon look for unexpected energies (does this portend an earthquake of significant magnitude in California?). The evening is set with perfect mood for truth and healing regarding matters of love. Just add a dash of diplomacy to your grandiose and joyful mood lest you wound instead of heal. NOTE: Neptune slowing down to go direct tomorrow – confusion may happen especially with regard to who will win the election on Tuesday. Let go into the mystery and trust that all will be provided for you.
Saturday, 11/01: (set clocks back 1 hour before bed):
All partnerships (love, business, government, etc.) will get grounded and practical around 6 pm today. This is a good new way of acting because its one way to shape your dreams in a practical sense. Dreams, visions and /or confusion and delusions and addictive behaviors have a better chance of being cleared now that Neptune goes direct close to 9 pm. Around 10:30 pm we get to see clearly how we are to begin a new line of work and feel lucky in our mood about it.
Sunday, 11/02 (set clocks back 1 hour at 2 am):
The mood may be traditional and masterful. If you find yourself holding an inflexible position you may be fighting with someone about right and wrong around 10 am. The rest of the day is about feeling in a grounded and solid mood. This is a good day to contact your Dad or the Dad within you.
Monday, 11/03:
Romance could be a bit tough whether you’re looking for a new one or in the old one just after midnight. Nurturing and self-soothing could take on a “Spring-cleaning” notion and a bit of child like innocence with a dash of serious mood. It’s a good time to come up with a plan of how you will nurture yourself this morning at work. Expect eureka ideas around 9:30 pm, write them down and prepare for sleep, otherwise you get bogged down in illusional stuff about midnight
Tuesday, 11/04 Election Day:
MOOD: Up until 4:02 pm the Moon is in Capricorn, which reflects the desire for solidity. While solidity is undergoing transformation (Pluto about to enter Capricorn) the desire for solidity, strength and tradition is powerful. We could feel at odds and grow in communicating our thoughts. This could also indicate that election results are slow to be reported. At 4:02/8:02pm (PST/EST) the moon enters Aquarius – think Aquarian age, freedom, service to wider circles, an ability to be light. Whatever the election results we will feel lighter and free after 4:02 pm. Choose passion or obsessive compulsiveness with regard for the need to feel good (comfort foods?). Growth through service will allow us to feel free and good.
At 5:33 am PST and 8:33 am EST a revolutionary aspect occurs pitting the old work ethic, old guard against compassionate revolutionary /evolutionary forces of change for all. This aspect (Uranus opposite Saturn) last occurred in the mid to late 60s. I believe Senator McCain with Sun in Virgo is allied to the old guard (Saturn in Virgo in the sky now) and Senator Obama represents the revolution with Aquarius Ascendant (Aquarius is the ruler of Uranus). Mercury enters Scorpio at 8 am making thinking and communicating intense and transformational (a big win for Obama? a surprise for McCain?) About 10 am love/money issues are up in a questioning place regarding service: arguments and agitation over how to serve with in the areas of love or money. In the afternoon we may find it easier to express our needs for nurturing. Words & thoughts of love round out the day.
Getting the edge on upcoming energies
Feel free to pass this on…
1. Scorpio New Moon 10/28 to Election Day
2. Energywave
3. Planetary Events
All times PDT/PST unless otherwise noted
This report includes translations of what other astrologers consider “Minor Angles” such as Inconjuncts, Quintiles, Septiles, Semi-squares, Sesquiquadrates and Noviles as well as the “Major Angles”
1. New Moon in Scorpio 10/28 and to Election Day
Tuesday, 4:14 pm 6 degrees Scorpio
The highest form of Scorpio is a transformation moving out and up. The low end of Scorpio is a change that is a reaction to fear, a desire to protect that falls back into the safety of the known and goes down and in.
Transformation is a leap beyond death to create something new from the ashes of the old and it is facing fear and passing through it. The opposite of this transformational leap is a change that reacts to fear by recoiling from the leap and protecting what one has with isolationist and paranoid responses. (For more on transformation and its shadow see the Energywave below.)
This is an important prelude to the elections on 11/4 one week from today. This is a time when the past and the future are balanced equally between us. The last time this happened was 1965-67 during the Civil Rights movement, Beatles broke onto the scene, the Viet Nam war protests began, and the Race to the Moon to name a few events.
We are poised between the old and the new.
This Scorpio New Moon is the last one of its kind during the end of the Fifth Mayan Night – a time of chaos and destruction. We could look at this as a house cleaning of the shadows of our soul. I’m assuming that in reading this that you are like me – Lightworkers or keepers of your own light. It’s important that we shine the light into our fears and the dark shadows of our depressions, frustrations and other negative emotions. If you find yourself denying negative emotions, look more closely at the dark regions with your light. I have an alchemical Pluto Meditation that may be used as a tool to explore your darker regions. It’s important to look at your current and past relationships. Do you consider yourself greater than or less than any friends, associates, relatives etc.? Are you avoiding someone because you are irritated by them? Our relationships are potential teachers exposing shadow material of the stuff we don’t like to look at or confront. A good exercise in transforming shadow in yourself could look like this:
• Choose 1 to 3 friends whom you trust
• Ask 1 friend to give you an honest portrait of you verbally
• Ask a 2nd friend to give you a written portrait of what is your shadow
• Ask a 3rd friend of what they dislike about you
Consider this house cleaning of the soul before you enter the light on 11/13 (the Taurus Full Moon!)
Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian or Anarchist – each stance will be destroyed so that something new is created according to these extraordinary times.
Events that are set into motion today peak on election day and set certain transformative agents into action. Many of you have voted or are voting using absentee ballots still fall under these influences.
New Moons are the beginning of a cycle and this underscores our mood. We are in the mood for a real change. Our actions are beginning to create growth for the Aquarian Dream / Vision of the future as we are poised between service to the old order and a new Aquarian compassionate synergistic force towards the future.
Those born on 9/9,10,11 may find themselves under much harder work and constraints of work/health concerns amidst unexpected events at every turn (all other signs will also be affected in similar ways except for Leo and Libra). Those born on 3/10,11,12 may find themselves having a wild party time of great excitement and revolution and/or a disruptive time that may feel disciplined. All other birthdays will be affected similarly except Aquarius and Aries. (See me for details)
From a psychic perspective this has not been an easy election to call, but on Oct 28th this new moon those with the shine (intuitive abilities) will begin to feel who will be the next president of the United States of America.
2. Energywave
Fear is a powerful motivator and allows choices that move us away from danger in two ways.
Facing fear and:
• Leaping through it
• Retreating and recoiling from it
When we take a risk we often leap through fear and into a new and mysterious land that is quite different. When we are overwhelmed one response is a withdrawal to protect oneself in a bubble of safety. We employ the two modes of dealing with fear listed above in our lives all the time.
Since the world changed on a fundamental energetic basis in 1992 the primary North American reaction has been to run for cover and to embrace a protectionist political stance as represented by the Bush Administration who wishes to rule rather than govern as mandated by his version of the Divine. This stance comes in reaction to Global Warming and continued denials of a world change so that the rich and powerful remain in control. In the 1930s the majority of the wealth of the United States has been held in the hands of the top percentile creating some of the conditions for the Great Depression in order to take greater control of the US and world wide wealth. The problem is greed and the hoarding that greed creates in those that think they know better than the rest of us.
The climate since the deregulation of government and industry in the Reagan Administration has been a concentration of wealth amongst the wealthiest with the assumption that this “good for business” approach would benefit all working peoples. This assumes that greed and the quest for greater profit at the expense of people doesn’t exist. Clinton’s establishment of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was a botched idea of a patch in trying to create opportunities for all who applied without the education needed and the assumption that capitalism would continue to create growth and income without limit or end.
In this climate voters have responded to identifiable fears such as terrorism as in 9/11, the limits of oil and other organized slogans promoted by conservatives as divisive ways to keep people in fear so that the old (safe?) way can be continued. Liberals up until now (Obama may be an exception) have not agreed on a single vision to carry fairness for all forward and have fallen back on protecting the underdog by spending more money. The Bush administration in the name of conservatives has spent more money – primarily through emergency funding of the Iraq war (fuzzy objectives) whose yearly figures have fallen outside the official budget. The unspoken object has been the procurement of Iraq oil, which has not yet been agreed upon.
In the climate of the world and its presenting limits (Pluto in Capricorn 2008-23*) we can respond separately by retreating into the old isolationist fear of “might makes right” values and vote from the paranoid position or we can forge coalitions of working together and embrace the new way that leaps through the fear.
Avoid or confront.
[*Pluto – transformation – destroys in order to create something new. Pluto rules Scorpio – which is the sign of intense in-depth transformation. Capricorn – the sign of the corporation, institution and government, of the limits of Earth…]
Transformations are sea-change of birth from death. A simple kind of transformation is ice melting into water or the ingredients of water, flour, sweetener and yeast over heat makes bread.
Transformations allow for a leap through fear based on trust. Most entrepreneurs begin from a transformational place of risk taking the leap. Once established they become more conservative wishing to protect what they have and make favorable more calculated risks. The dangers of being established is wishing to beat the competition by whatever means necessary and not realizing that this zeal even exists within the established group or corporation. Reactions of “us and them” divide people based on their fears. These fears are reactions to a transforming world that promises safety through isolationism and righteousness that resulted in movements such as the Inquisition.
Righteousness always makes someone else “wrong” and makes losers of those caught in righteousness. The Right-Wrong battle always leaves the “Right” one in the “Wrong” or defeated position in two ways as long as democracy as we know it now is the rubric holding the positions.
[The Right-Wrong strategy is a finite game and changes democracy’s freedoms into a totalitarian state based on money and profit for the elite. Democracy then exists for the top of the elite and is no longer democracy.]
The battle to prove righteousness excludes information and narrows consciousness. It excludes everyone who is not “us”. In the Bush administration it has excluded the Bill of Rights for those not considered “us”. Therefore people who do not believe exactly as “we” do are wrong. People who are “wrong” don’t have a right to be heard and may not have a right to exist. One only look at mainstream media and notice what is not reported, in short – a press represents profit instead of the people. When those opinions that are wrong affect our national security we must preserve the nation’s integrity and repel terrorism and violence it perpetrates from the sovereignty of the nation. But we must not succumb to an “us versus them” paranoia that precludes the bill of rights and due process otherwise we become the terrorist state we are seeking to destroy. The Rand Foundation’s research indicates that terrorism ceases to be radical when it is absorbed into local political processes and that wars against terrorism seek only to promote a climate for same.
The recent 700 billion dollar bailout is part of the socialism for the rich just as the Bush “tax cuts” especially for oil companies have been socialism for the elite. Banks are buying now; JP Morgan/ Chase has consolidated its power just as JP Morgan the banker of the 1920s acquired more banking interests during the 1929 crash and in the subsequent depression that followed.
McCain represents the tradition of the past that honors the powers of top-down organizations of capitalism providing prosperity for those with luck, timing and hard work favoring white middle to upper class conservative individualistic philosophies that exist in the American Dream and are fantasies about what could be. McCain represents the strong individualist who believes that opportunities are made when the government ceases regulation and that the marketplace provides wealth for all that access it. Unfortunately there are major flaws in this argument and it has a long tradition that works for a small elite that many still aspire.
Obama represents a tradition of the past that protects people outside the higher elite with governmental regulations allowing a re-distribution of wealth to those less fortunate and outside the elite circle. There are major flaws with the argument that many aspire. One important point that reaches beyond the tradition of Democratic or Liberal protectionist polices that Obama appears to embrace is the commitment to build a coalition of conservation, moderate and liberal factions to solve incredibly complex problems from unique synergistic solutions. This is the reason why Obama represents the future.
The Right-Wrong Finite Game
Has clear goals,
Creates momentum from zealous beliefs.
Rewards believers with belonging.
Excludes possible valid alternatives.
Damns all who have different beliefs.
Condemns (to death) those that don’t believe
Excludes those that are wrong from perception
Makes those that feel right feel strong, good and better than those that are wrong.
Excludes love from the wrong ones as punishment
Allow believers to simply, racially profile, stereotype and otherwise catagorize non-beilevers.
Allow believers to vilify, condemn and assassinate people who are wrong making them outcasts, prisoners and possibly executing them.
Allow believers to deny, suppress or repress aspects of themselves they find painful to examine and scapegoat these feelings as projections on an undesirable enemy so as to “turn away from their fears.”
In short people that utilize righteousness as a weapon against others make others losers and deny the part of themselves that is also a loser.
Let’s look at the solutions.
3. Planetary Events
Tuesday, 10/28: (See New Moon)
Love and money encounter wildness and unpredictability followed quickly by the good fight or perhaps a disagreement on fairness and justice this morning. The mood is intense and deep. In the afternoon expect a make-up time if there’s been a fight in the morning, otherwise this may be a way to build bridges with good ideas and soothing communications.
Wednesday, 10/29:
The morning begins with a re-thinking or a new way of communicating justice and fairness on the national level. On a personal level this is about finding the passion to communicate what’s fair and just for your self. The afternoon could fill us with a bevy of moods, including growth for healing, joy and energy putting the joy into action. The evening mood brings an intensity that can bring out the protects for working or a mood to experiment in expressing feelings This is a good night for dreams and visions especially if you retire around 11 pm, or expect to have a dreamy time. If you stay awake past 11:11 pm intend a vision to appear – channeled writing, drawing or speaking are some methods for the vision.
Thursday, 10/30:
On the national scene McCain may show an angry mood towards his running mate as an example of this aspect. Partners may get angry at one another. If lovemaking is not employed plan to be asleep – aspect occurs around 3 am (6 am EDT). Love, money and romance are on everybody’s mind particularly what to do about it in the near future so expect discussions. By mid-day we may consider a change in our luck via the wings of transformation. The mood now is how to nurture and love ourselves in unbridled joy (time to skip and sing?). The late afternoon brings good magic when combined with love. Partnerships and alliances of all kinds could get an influx of magic. In the evening it may be easy to work hard and incisively on your project.
Friday, 10/31 – Happy Halloween:
Besides wondering about the future of your relationship in the early hours of the day, this Halloween promises to be on the wild side. In mid afternoon look for unexpected energies (does this portend an earthquake of significant magnitude in California?). The evening is set with perfect mood for truth and healing regarding matters of love. Just add a dash of diplomacy to your grandiose and joyful mood lest you wound instead of heal. NOTE: Neptune slowing down to go direct tomorrow – confusion may happen especially with regard to who will win the election on Tuesday. Let go into the mystery and trust that all will be provided for you.
Saturday, 11/01: (set clocks back 1 hour before bed):
All partnerships (love, business, government, etc.) will get grounded and practical around 6 pm today. This is a good new way of acting because its one way to shape your dreams in a practical sense. Dreams, visions and /or confusion and delusions and addictive behaviors have a better chance of being cleared now that Neptune goes direct close to 9 pm. Around 10:30 pm we get to see clearly how we are to begin a new line of work and feel lucky in our mood about it.
Sunday, 11/02 (set clocks back 1 hour at 2 am):
The mood may be traditional and masterful. If you find yourself holding an inflexible position you may be fighting with someone about right and wrong around 10 am. The rest of the day is about feeling in a grounded and solid mood. This is a good day to contact your Dad or the Dad within you.
Monday, 11/03:
Romance could be a bit tough whether you’re looking for a new one or in the old one just after midnight. Nurturing and self-soothing could take on a “Spring-cleaning” notion and a bit of child like innocence with a dash of serious mood. It’s a good time to come up with a plan of how you will nurture yourself this morning at work. Expect eureka ideas around 9:30 pm, write them down and prepare for sleep, otherwise you get bogged down in illusional stuff about midnight
Tuesday, 11/04 Election Day:
MOOD: Up until 4:02 pm the Moon is in Capricorn, which reflects the desire for solidity. While solidity is undergoing transformation (Pluto about to enter Capricorn) the desire for solidity, strength and tradition is powerful. We could feel at odds and grow in communicating our thoughts. This could also indicate that election results are slow to be reported. At 4:02/8:02pm (PST/EST) the moon enters Aquarius – think Aquarian age, freedom, service to wider circles, an ability to be light. Whatever the election results we will feel lighter and free after 4:02 pm. Choose passion or obsessive compulsiveness with regard for the need to feel good (comfort foods?). Growth through service will allow us to feel free and good.
At 5:33 am PST and 8:33 am EST a revolutionary aspect occurs pitting the old work ethic, old guard against compassionate revolutionary /evolutionary forces of change for all. This aspect (Uranus opposite Saturn) last occurred in the mid to late 60s. I believe Senator McCain with Sun in Virgo is allied to the old guard (Saturn in Virgo in the sky now) and Senator Obama represents the revolution with Aquarius Ascendant (Aquarius is the ruler of Uranus). Mercury enters Scorpio at 8 am making thinking and communicating intense and transformational (a big win for Obama? a surprise for McCain?) About 10 am love/money issues are up in a questioning place regarding service: arguments and agitation over how to serve with in the areas of love or money. In the afternoon we may find it easier to express our needs for nurturing. Words & thoughts of love round out the day.
VIBE: Oct 16 – Oct 27, 2008
Getting the edge on upcoming energies
Feel free to pass this on…
1. Energywave
2. Planetary Events
All times PDT unless otherwise noted
This report includes translations of what other astrologers consider “Minor Angles” such as Inconjuncts, Quintiles, Septiles, Sesquiquadrates and Noviles as well as the “Major Angles”
1. Energywave
Ordinarily I don’t look at the VIBE after I written it unless I see unique personal or cosmic openings or there is a crisis.
Certainly we are looking at fear and panic over the last weeks. I’ve been drawn to re-read the Planetary Events since the beginning of the downturn in the Stockmarket. The origin of the downturn is more reflective of the reality bubbles bursting over the last 9 years and the Stockmarket catching up with the flavor of economic depressiveness in the middle and lower classes (most of us).
First there was the bursting of the dot-com bubble
9/11 and the debacle of that aftermath (still with us)
The War in Iraq
The first collapse of the housing credit market
The collapse of banking
And all the rest.
From 1995 to now or the past 13 years we have been riding on the optimism/fanaticism of Pluto in Sagittarius.
We have been living large in the expansiveness of greed and a world where there have appeared to be no limits (appeared is the key word here). I am reminded of that Paul Simon song with regard to our current situation:
Breakdowns come and breakdowns go
So what are you going to do about it that’s what I’d like to know?
Believing I had supernatural powers
I slammed into a brick wall.
Hey is this my problem,
is this my fault?
You don’t feel you could love me
But I feel you could.
We have all believed in the supernatural powers of unregulated capitalism and we have slammed into the reality that it doesn’t entirely work – duh.
One of my favorite books, Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse can be applied to the systemic shortfall of the finite game of winners and losers in Capitalism to a different kind of creative capitalism where the environment is a player in an infinite game. Eventually my hope is that as a people we would choose a state-state free market infinite game based on the long-term health of the planet. In this Sagittarius Period of rampant greed and the short sightedness of quarterly profits that doesn’t take the limits of earth into account we are doomed to continuous crisis management whose ultimate end is tyranny through worldwide corporate power. Democrat and Republican are the different sides of the same coin.
The alternatives will probably take 100s if not thousands of years to be fully realized, but when I read Paul Hawken’s (written along with a couple from the Rocky Mountain Institute - Amory and Hunter Lovins) Natural Capitalism I felt encouraged that theorists are putting the limits of Earth towards a steady-state economy rather than a short sighted approach.
A long-term approach grounded in Earth’s limits is necessary for a long-term survival of our species and as way to eliminate financial collapses such as the one we find ourselves in now.
But a change in the basic structure of the system is not going to happen just now. At least it cannot happen without an evolutionarily leap in consciousness and the emergence of a new human-type species.
Right now and in the weeks to come (until November 12-13) the greatest darkness is always just before the dawn. *
The great adjustment to ground is happening now. Earth is calling us as a culture to be real. Earth is crying out to be heard as a partner. We need to consider Earth as our friend and not just a thing we drive on, take from and so on. Global warming demands that we pay attention to the limits of growth so that we can respond and live responsibly within those limits.
When I was called into this work I developed a sacred relationship with my friend – Earth through the Star – Earth Connection Technique. In 1983 during a spiritual emergence Native Elders in dreamtime called me to put my ankles and feet in Uranium Mines in the southwest. At the time this was an extremely intense dream. But in the autumn of 1990 when an oozing welt appeared on the outside of my right ankle weeping tears – later in a shamanic journey I “saw” that my body had allied with Earth’s body for our mutual healing and in some small way I helped heal the wounds done to Earth in taking uranium from her.
Be a friend with Earth. Reach out with your compassionate heart extending yourself beyond your fears to comfort others and receive comfort for yourself. When we are friends with Earth we take a step towards taking the leap in consciousness necessary for the creation of this new species of humans. (If you need assistance in this area think about creating and performing sacred ceremonies to strengthen your connection with Earth. – For help in this area contact me).
Let’s go for it!
*End of the Mayan 5th Night – characterized by chaos and destruction and the beginning of the Mayan 6th day – a renaissance (more to come in the next issue.)
2. Planetary Events
The bold type face – mood denotes the affect of the moon as it relates to other planets.
Thursday, Oct 16 – We may be in a good mood by remaining in healthy separation from the effects of the wildness of economic fears. If not then our mood could dwell in fears and then any transformative actions may get stuck in a bureaucratic nightmare of paperwork. Assuming you are consumed by fears and you let things slide then there is the other side where you put yourself back together and go on. Now that Mercury is direct and the intensity of thought and communication – in short glitches are calming we can calm ourselves through our intention. It is possible to make transformational actions effective (8:21 am PDT, 11:21 am EDT) within the context of work within an organization. Do you nurture the birth of seeds with the mood of patience or panic? You’re choice.
Friday, Oct 17 – The mood today may be restless and unfocused as long as you focus on the things/events/relationships and/or thoughts that hold you together rather than the oneness that allows the witness to experience a variety of moods without undo attachment. The evening can provide a sense of grounding if your day felt scattered by being able to either restructure your finances with regard work or talk about how love works or the karma of love and/or money in the world at large.
Saturday, Oct 18 – The mood before noon can be intense and magical with twinges of excitement and anticipation. Conjure up an old lover or old debts for your ritual of release. If you’re up in the wee hours (3:40 am on the West Coast, 6:40 am on the East Coast) this is the time to create your own incantation using your intent and words to transform your feelings and thinking to a higher level and let go of another layer of the past. After breakfast look at how you can partner with yourself or others of like mind. The mood of love and cooperation in the simplest acts can set the stage between now and just before noon in both clearing old karma and laying down the foundation for the partnership paradigm with our intent and thoughts for community and oneness. Just before noon and throughout the rest of the day until supper-time you may feel so good that the mood may lend towards impulse buying or making too many promises without the ability to carry-through. Breaking bread just before sunset is a good way to heal wounds and set the tone of thought and sociability throughout the evening.
Sunday, Oct 19 – No aspects. Moon into Cancer, so the mood is on family, traditions, community, moms and nurturing. Nurture yourself. Think of your Mom. Honor you inner Mom.
Monday, Oct 20 – Planetary aspects occupy the hours after daylight with a struggle to get out of bed. Mood – nurture yourself with work. Beware of being critical of those seeking truth regarding cooperative tasks. The way to turn this around is through balancing nurturing with incisiveness to create magic around new creative and powerful ways to work together.
Tuesday, Oct 21 – Early pre-dawn doubts, moods and regrets may run high and then flash is gone! Look for reversals in the Stockmarket today – gains as passion is on high!!!
Wednesday, Oct 22 – Sun moves into Scorpio (Happy Birthday). In politics we can expect that as a nation we will cling desperately to the old way and go down with the sinking ship until the tide turns and we dry out I prefer we with jump with heart-felt passionate moods into an alchemical and magical transformation leap. The stars are set for a leap. Yahoo!
Thursday, Oct 23 – No aspects. In the afternoon the moon moves from Leo into Virgo. Expect passionate moods and easily transformed states. In the afternoon the mood narrows and when the narrowing is in service to a higher good then work serves transformative states. However if mood narrows in service to ego negative criticism can nail us to the wall and throw darts. If you find yourself being overly critical then, yawn open eyes wide, shut them and then open wide, smile. And remember a narrow place is often wide to the narrow minded. If you’re in a rut drive on a different street from work to home or talk when smiling. In other words change your perspective – if possible let your mood be light and innocent.
Friday, Oct 24 – We have two major changes today one morning and the other late in the evening. The morning mood could be one of contentiousness leading to wars of words, critical judgments and long tirades. This mood can be directed to action and change when project energy is employed and can fit into a larger project or movement. The aspect in the evening (9:30 pm) is a subtle shift of energy where healing energies may be softly distributed throughout the world via thoughts of loving, healing kindness (mood).
Saturday, Oct 25 – In the predawn there may be a struggle between romantic love and whom to serve and after dawn easy to talk about relationships, love and the future. Focus on your innocent mood lest you become critical. In the evening between 5 and 7:50 pm the mood could become intense with karmic overtones regarding, work, health, service and righteous rigidity. If you have it together create a ritual for releasing karma for the last hour of this time. Otherwise be patient and know that your thoughts (and judgments) are not you. You are a change agent. After 8 pm the mood softens towards love, harmony and relationships.
Sunday, Oct 26 – This is a day of harmonious healing in relationships of all kinds. You may be in the mood for a chat with a friend, brunch in bed with your partner or the long distance call to reconnect. You may want to talk about plans to live together, how to solve the world’s problems or take over the world. Watch for grandiosity. The mood is ebullient. The desire to blend with our dreams can also be part of this mood and all before and just after dawn. By mid-morning however we could find some agitation in our moods as our consciousness becomes fraught with disruptive and freedom / breakout feelings. Intensive thinking and awareness is challenged to expand within limits when (wah-wah) we may not want the brick-wall limits. Take your agitation out for a walk,
Monday, Oct 27 – At daybreak our actions produce opportunities for healing as long as we can put that intensity energy to work. This shouldn’t be a problem because our mood is one of harmony and nurturing healing ideas. The remainder of the day is an opportunity to expand, work, and play with an abundant amount of energy. Expect transformational shifts in the financial markets – Stockmarket, banks ect. Lots of good moods and abundant energies abound.
Feel free to pass this on…
1. Energywave
2. Planetary Events
All times PDT unless otherwise noted
This report includes translations of what other astrologers consider “Minor Angles” such as Inconjuncts, Quintiles, Septiles, Sesquiquadrates and Noviles as well as the “Major Angles”
1. Energywave
Ordinarily I don’t look at the VIBE after I written it unless I see unique personal or cosmic openings or there is a crisis.
Certainly we are looking at fear and panic over the last weeks. I’ve been drawn to re-read the Planetary Events since the beginning of the downturn in the Stockmarket. The origin of the downturn is more reflective of the reality bubbles bursting over the last 9 years and the Stockmarket catching up with the flavor of economic depressiveness in the middle and lower classes (most of us).
First there was the bursting of the dot-com bubble
9/11 and the debacle of that aftermath (still with us)
The War in Iraq
The first collapse of the housing credit market
The collapse of banking
And all the rest.
From 1995 to now or the past 13 years we have been riding on the optimism/fanaticism of Pluto in Sagittarius.
We have been living large in the expansiveness of greed and a world where there have appeared to be no limits (appeared is the key word here). I am reminded of that Paul Simon song with regard to our current situation:
Breakdowns come and breakdowns go
So what are you going to do about it that’s what I’d like to know?
Believing I had supernatural powers
I slammed into a brick wall.
Hey is this my problem,
is this my fault?
You don’t feel you could love me
But I feel you could.
We have all believed in the supernatural powers of unregulated capitalism and we have slammed into the reality that it doesn’t entirely work – duh.
One of my favorite books, Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse can be applied to the systemic shortfall of the finite game of winners and losers in Capitalism to a different kind of creative capitalism where the environment is a player in an infinite game. Eventually my hope is that as a people we would choose a state-state free market infinite game based on the long-term health of the planet. In this Sagittarius Period of rampant greed and the short sightedness of quarterly profits that doesn’t take the limits of earth into account we are doomed to continuous crisis management whose ultimate end is tyranny through worldwide corporate power. Democrat and Republican are the different sides of the same coin.
The alternatives will probably take 100s if not thousands of years to be fully realized, but when I read Paul Hawken’s (written along with a couple from the Rocky Mountain Institute - Amory and Hunter Lovins) Natural Capitalism I felt encouraged that theorists are putting the limits of Earth towards a steady-state economy rather than a short sighted approach.
A long-term approach grounded in Earth’s limits is necessary for a long-term survival of our species and as way to eliminate financial collapses such as the one we find ourselves in now.
But a change in the basic structure of the system is not going to happen just now. At least it cannot happen without an evolutionarily leap in consciousness and the emergence of a new human-type species.
Right now and in the weeks to come (until November 12-13) the greatest darkness is always just before the dawn. *
The great adjustment to ground is happening now. Earth is calling us as a culture to be real. Earth is crying out to be heard as a partner. We need to consider Earth as our friend and not just a thing we drive on, take from and so on. Global warming demands that we pay attention to the limits of growth so that we can respond and live responsibly within those limits.
When I was called into this work I developed a sacred relationship with my friend – Earth through the Star – Earth Connection Technique. In 1983 during a spiritual emergence Native Elders in dreamtime called me to put my ankles and feet in Uranium Mines in the southwest. At the time this was an extremely intense dream. But in the autumn of 1990 when an oozing welt appeared on the outside of my right ankle weeping tears – later in a shamanic journey I “saw” that my body had allied with Earth’s body for our mutual healing and in some small way I helped heal the wounds done to Earth in taking uranium from her.
Be a friend with Earth. Reach out with your compassionate heart extending yourself beyond your fears to comfort others and receive comfort for yourself. When we are friends with Earth we take a step towards taking the leap in consciousness necessary for the creation of this new species of humans. (If you need assistance in this area think about creating and performing sacred ceremonies to strengthen your connection with Earth. – For help in this area contact me).
Let’s go for it!
*End of the Mayan 5th Night – characterized by chaos and destruction and the beginning of the Mayan 6th day – a renaissance (more to come in the next issue.)
2. Planetary Events
The bold type face – mood denotes the affect of the moon as it relates to other planets.
Thursday, Oct 16 – We may be in a good mood by remaining in healthy separation from the effects of the wildness of economic fears. If not then our mood could dwell in fears and then any transformative actions may get stuck in a bureaucratic nightmare of paperwork. Assuming you are consumed by fears and you let things slide then there is the other side where you put yourself back together and go on. Now that Mercury is direct and the intensity of thought and communication – in short glitches are calming we can calm ourselves through our intention. It is possible to make transformational actions effective (8:21 am PDT, 11:21 am EDT) within the context of work within an organization. Do you nurture the birth of seeds with the mood of patience or panic? You’re choice.
Friday, Oct 17 – The mood today may be restless and unfocused as long as you focus on the things/events/relationships and/or thoughts that hold you together rather than the oneness that allows the witness to experience a variety of moods without undo attachment. The evening can provide a sense of grounding if your day felt scattered by being able to either restructure your finances with regard work or talk about how love works or the karma of love and/or money in the world at large.
Saturday, Oct 18 – The mood before noon can be intense and magical with twinges of excitement and anticipation. Conjure up an old lover or old debts for your ritual of release. If you’re up in the wee hours (3:40 am on the West Coast, 6:40 am on the East Coast) this is the time to create your own incantation using your intent and words to transform your feelings and thinking to a higher level and let go of another layer of the past. After breakfast look at how you can partner with yourself or others of like mind. The mood of love and cooperation in the simplest acts can set the stage between now and just before noon in both clearing old karma and laying down the foundation for the partnership paradigm with our intent and thoughts for community and oneness. Just before noon and throughout the rest of the day until supper-time you may feel so good that the mood may lend towards impulse buying or making too many promises without the ability to carry-through. Breaking bread just before sunset is a good way to heal wounds and set the tone of thought and sociability throughout the evening.
Sunday, Oct 19 – No aspects. Moon into Cancer, so the mood is on family, traditions, community, moms and nurturing. Nurture yourself. Think of your Mom. Honor you inner Mom.
Monday, Oct 20 – Planetary aspects occupy the hours after daylight with a struggle to get out of bed. Mood – nurture yourself with work. Beware of being critical of those seeking truth regarding cooperative tasks. The way to turn this around is through balancing nurturing with incisiveness to create magic around new creative and powerful ways to work together.
Tuesday, Oct 21 – Early pre-dawn doubts, moods and regrets may run high and then flash is gone! Look for reversals in the Stockmarket today – gains as passion is on high!!!
Wednesday, Oct 22 – Sun moves into Scorpio (Happy Birthday). In politics we can expect that as a nation we will cling desperately to the old way and go down with the sinking ship until the tide turns and we dry out I prefer we with jump with heart-felt passionate moods into an alchemical and magical transformation leap. The stars are set for a leap. Yahoo!
Thursday, Oct 23 – No aspects. In the afternoon the moon moves from Leo into Virgo. Expect passionate moods and easily transformed states. In the afternoon the mood narrows and when the narrowing is in service to a higher good then work serves transformative states. However if mood narrows in service to ego negative criticism can nail us to the wall and throw darts. If you find yourself being overly critical then, yawn open eyes wide, shut them and then open wide, smile. And remember a narrow place is often wide to the narrow minded. If you’re in a rut drive on a different street from work to home or talk when smiling. In other words change your perspective – if possible let your mood be light and innocent.
Friday, Oct 24 – We have two major changes today one morning and the other late in the evening. The morning mood could be one of contentiousness leading to wars of words, critical judgments and long tirades. This mood can be directed to action and change when project energy is employed and can fit into a larger project or movement. The aspect in the evening (9:30 pm) is a subtle shift of energy where healing energies may be softly distributed throughout the world via thoughts of loving, healing kindness (mood).
Saturday, Oct 25 – In the predawn there may be a struggle between romantic love and whom to serve and after dawn easy to talk about relationships, love and the future. Focus on your innocent mood lest you become critical. In the evening between 5 and 7:50 pm the mood could become intense with karmic overtones regarding, work, health, service and righteous rigidity. If you have it together create a ritual for releasing karma for the last hour of this time. Otherwise be patient and know that your thoughts (and judgments) are not you. You are a change agent. After 8 pm the mood softens towards love, harmony and relationships.
Sunday, Oct 26 – This is a day of harmonious healing in relationships of all kinds. You may be in the mood for a chat with a friend, brunch in bed with your partner or the long distance call to reconnect. You may want to talk about plans to live together, how to solve the world’s problems or take over the world. Watch for grandiosity. The mood is ebullient. The desire to blend with our dreams can also be part of this mood and all before and just after dawn. By mid-morning however we could find some agitation in our moods as our consciousness becomes fraught with disruptive and freedom / breakout feelings. Intensive thinking and awareness is challenged to expand within limits when (wah-wah) we may not want the brick-wall limits. Take your agitation out for a walk,
Monday, Oct 27 – At daybreak our actions produce opportunities for healing as long as we can put that intensity energy to work. This shouldn’t be a problem because our mood is one of harmony and nurturing healing ideas. The remainder of the day is an opportunity to expand, work, and play with an abundant amount of energy. Expect transformational shifts in the financial markets – Stockmarket, banks ect. Lots of good moods and abundant energies abound.
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