Full Moon at 21º Virgo - 7:39 pm PDT
This is one of the most important full moons of this year as it focuses the power of our emotions on the dynamic of transformation at work on our planet today.
The nature of this dynamic occurs throughout this year and into next year (Saturn-Uranus opposition).
1873 - 75:
European economy dipped into a recession. US Stock Market closed for 10 days. US went to the gold standard - the US dollar was backed by gold.
1918 - 20:
End of WWI, A recession began planting the seed for the 1929 Stock Market crash and the Great Depression. Radio technology was invented and used publicly.
1965 - 67:
The summer of love, the hippie movement, the Vietnam Anti-War protests
This full moon focuses our attention on old structures of the de-stabilizing patriarchy (the old stuff that doesn't work) on sharp opposition to a faced paced evolutionary/revolutionary upheaval.
This call to service engenders a sense of innocence, awe and wonder; an urge to organize our lives, act on your ideals and heal our dream visions through thought, word and deed. New ways of being lead to new ways of doing...
The confluence of planets in traveling in the light of Aquarius portends a New Age. We may think of it as new but the fabric of our lives has always been in the oneness, our focus has been singularly attenuated to separate lives. WE ARE NOT SEPARATE! Telepathy may seem like magic at best or nonsense at worse when seen from the extremes of reductionist thinking that comes from the illusion of separatistic thinking. Telepathy becomes as natural as breathing if we live from a place of thinking that we are different expressions of oneness and balancing the old hierarchy with the oneness evolutionary/revolutionary innovations of a world in transformation. Living from oneness erases the illusion of separateness to play with the illusion of separation as a means of creating friction or learning for growth.
Modes of friction for growth:
1. Waking-up. Increasing awareness of those less fortunate with economic means, and on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels.
2. Increases our responsiveness and our responsibilities towards ourselves, each other and the planet. [causality between thought and action c an be seen from a ground of oneness. Or what I do to you - I also do to myself and vice versa.]
3. There is NO "Us" or "Them" "Them" or the other may be unclaimed shadow elements in need of love. Us without them is an artifical boundary creating from the illusion of singularity.
Consciousness is light and electomagnetic energy and the corporeal body holds consciousness while alive. The body dies and consciousness lives on.
Dip into the oneness while playing with the "I" of spearateness. Use the friction of the illusion of separateness against the backdrop of the oneness to manifest what you wish. See-
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
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